Ch. 6 - A New Bond

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You were never the type of person to follow orders. However, for some reason you were doing the opposite, and following the humanoid dragon down a stone corridor.

What were you doing? Every part of your mind was scolding you for listening to him, but for some reason you felt calm. Why? You were in the presence of the dragon king himself, the very man that could kill you with no hesitation.

To be honest, he had every right to end your life right now. You not only disobeyed his orders, but you snapped at him. If that wasn't a death wish your not sure what will.

A roar of a baby dragon filled the air which caused you to snap out of your thoughts. As you looked down at your feet, you saw that your small companion was glaring at you with her purple hues. It almost seemed like she was scolding you.

You laughed lightly at her actions before bending down to pick her up, placing her in the small satchel you carried. She purred happily as you began to pet the top of her head.

"Hurry up." Bakugo demanded. "You walk so damn slow."

He was already far ahead of you which caused you to sprint to catch up. You rushed up behind him, and as you did so the thoughts from before made their way back into your head.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you." He stated bluntly as he slowed down his pace.


Bakugo let out an irritated sigh. "I can basically smell your fear from here."

You never realized it, but you were slightly shaking. This would usually happen when you were in a situation you couldn't handle. Most of the time you can catch it before it gets worse, but in this case Bakugo caught it before you did.

"I know that." You spoke through a forced smile. "Just a little nervous is all."

Bakugo kept his eyes forward, however you could see a slot nod from him signifying he understood or at least heard you.

After a few minutes, the pair of you found yourselves standing in front of a door. The more you stared at it the more you realized that you've been here before. This was the door you snuck out of.

Without any hesitation, Bakugo swung the door open which revealed the bright and vibrant outdoors. "Follow me."

You did as the king instructed of you; following him down the path that you have walked before. Your body started to relax as the cool spring breeze brushed against your cheeks. As you began to look at the outside scenery, you couldn't help but glance over at the man in front of you.

You were starting to think that this dragon wasn't so bad. He hasn't hurt you yet, and even though he hasn't been very welcoming he was taking care of you.

A moment went by before Bakugo approached a tower that was built into the cliff side. As went and opened the door you couldn't help but be confused. The door didn't lead to anything in particular other than a flight of stair leading up to the top.

"Go." Bakugo ordered before motioning you to go in.

You gave him a skeptical glare. "What about you?"

"I'll meet you up there." He said bluntly.

You raised an eyebrow at his statement before observing his form. Now that you look at him more closely Bakugo had no wings, tail, nor horns. He looked like any other human.

Dragon's Keep || Katsuki Bakugo x Reader (Fantasy AU) ||Where stories live. Discover now