Ch. 23 - According to Plan

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Everything was silent as you came to. You tried to put together the prior events, but it seemed you were missing something. You couldn't figure it out and the splitting headache radiating from your head wasn't helping.

A groan escaped you as your hues began to adjust to your new surroundings. This wasn't your chambers nor was it any other rooms you had grown to recognize. The interior pallets was very different than your own light colored room, having a mix of dark oak furniture and scarlet red cushions. It gave off a feeling of established power, and there was only one man you knew who had it.

As that thought hit your mind, you soon noticed the ash-blonde laying against the bed frame just a few inches away from you. Not far away was the scarlet dragon sitting against the nearby wall with your dragon companion by his side. Their chests raised up and down as you gazed at their tired forms.

You let out a relived sigh seeing that your two friends were safe, but that came the question of how you were. The strike that Deku had inflicted upon you was no easy matter. You were sure you had perished by his blade, but yet here you were. You were alive and still kicking, so what happened after?

A sudden yawn caught your attention as you lifted your gaze up towards Kirishima. He stretched his arms in an upward motion, his wings following suit, before falling into his lap. He rubbed his tired eyes before widening them at the sight of you.

You watched as tears began to shed from his eyes. He rushed over towards you carefully wrapping you in one of his strong embrace. In the process he managed to wake up the snoring ash-blonde next to you.

He let out a groan as he rubbed his tired eyes. "Oi shitty hair. What the hell are you-" He sentence came to a halt as his crimson hues met the sight of your awoken form.

He wasn't sure how to react. You were alive and for the most part well. He should be happy, but there was another matter that needed to be disclosed with you and you alone.

"Alright shitty hair, let her go. You're going to open her wounds again." Bakugo scolded.

"Oh right. Sorry!" It didn't take long for Kiri to let go backing away to give you some space. "Do you need anything?"

You shook your head before trying to speak, but you were caught of guard by the raspy nature of your voice. A small cough managed to escape your lungs as you held your throat in discomfort.

"I'll go get you some water. Be back in a sec." Kirishima gave you a gentle smile before walking off with Iris by his side.

You watched the door shut behind him before you attention was brought to the king next to you. He shook his head before mumbling about his friend's usual caring nature. A small chuckle escaped you causing him to look at you.

"Oi, what's so funny?" He raised an eyebrow at your sudden laughter, but only stared as you waved your hand.

"It's nothing." You spoke your raspy tone still slightly noticeable. Bakugo simply rolled his eyes in response.

The two of you sat there in silence before the thoughts from before washed over you. You had yet to know what had happened, and you doubt Bakugo would tell you unless you asked. So, you did.



"What happened after I-, You know."

He paused before letting out a sigh. He explained how the humans managed to burn half the town, and how Deku almost managed to land a fatal blow. "But your dumbass took the hit. After that the humans fled and I brought you here."

Bakugo paused for a moment, looking down at the ground before looking back up at you. "What were you even thinking? You realize that was a fatal blow right?"

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