Ch. 26 - Denial

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There was nothing in the room other than silence. The information that had just been revealed weighed heavily on all three of your shoulders. However, Bakugo was the most effected.

The origin of his parents were finally told. His mother, who was born as a dragon, fell in love with a human; his father. He had given up his humanity to live alongside the woman he saw as his world.

Their loved saved them both, but in the process it also changed them. You all realized that, and Kirishima was the first to try and speak of it.

"So," He started looking at you. "You haven't changed because Bakugo-"

"Don't you fucking say it." The ash-blonde told with a sense of sternness.

"Love..." You breathed out. You looked up at Bakugo with a shock. "I'm still human because you love me as one?"

The king's cheeks became a red hue as he jerked his head away. "I-It's not like that!"

"Then why?" You asked him harshly taking a few steps towards him. "Why am I a hybrid and not a full fledged dragon?"


"Because why?" You held onto this string with all your might. There was no way you were going to let this conversation slide, not when it was this important. However, the more you pushed it the more the fumes inside him began to seethe out.

"Because I like you as your shitty self okay?!"

It went quiet. The words that were spoken was enough to send the greatest beast into a frozen state. The great dragon king was known for his explosive temper, but would have never thought to care for a human. You and Kirishima were caught off guard, and the expressions masked upon your faces showed it.

His crimson eyes looked at you sharply before easing into a shocked expression; the words he had spoken finally settling into his mind. Bakugo slapped his hand across his mouth as he stared back at your stiff forms.

Finally, you let out a sigh before giving a gaze of strictness to Kirishima. He knew exactly what you were signaling him to do and he was not going to argue.

Kirishima let out a nervous chuckle before walking passed the paralyzed king and towards the door. "I'm going to let you two talk this one out..." He spoke anxiously. "I'll be in the Main Hall if you need me."

"Wait, shitty hair-!" Bakugo called out to him, but was instead cut off by the slam of the door.

Kirishima had abandoned him. His words were still fresh in the air and now he had to face the one person he definitely didn't want to see right now.

Silence befell the two of you. Your body leaned against the table as your arms folded across your chest. "So, do you want to go first or should I?"

It took a moment before a sigh was heard from his form. His eyes slowly looked back towards you with a grimace. It was obvious he didn't want to talk to you right now.

"Come on, we both promised we'd be more open." You stated. "And neither of us are leaving till we figure this out."

Bakugo didn't say anything. His gaze was averted to the side and his body twisted away from you. He didn't want to acknowledge you, but you knew that he would have to eventually.

"Bakugo." You called out to him peaking his attention up to you. "Do you...Do you like me? Like in that way?"

There was nothing once again. He had to have been the most closed off person you had ever encountered, but it didn't annoy you that much.

After a moment, he was finally able to answer you. "No."

That was a lie. It was plain as day that Bakugo wasn't telling you how he truly felt. However, the last thing you wanted was for him to storm out in anger; but at least he gave you something.

"I-" He spoke catching your attention. "I didn't want to transform you." Bakugo stated. "The last thing I wanted on my fucking mind was you becoming one of us. B-Besides...."

He began to mumbled the rest. You raised an eyebrow at his actions as you leaned in closer. "I'm sorry, I didn't get that last part. What did you say?"

He growled in irritation. "I said you're annoying as hell!"

A ringing began in your ear due to his shouting. You shook your head softly hoping that it would end soon.

While you did that, the ash-blonde's booming voice became low pitched.. "B-But you're not that bad, for a shitty human that is."

Your lips curved into a soft smile. You knew that this was the best compliment he could give to you, and you weren't mad about it. If anything, the thought of him likening you how you were was enough to please you.

The spacious library almost became still as the two of you soaked in the silence. There was a lot of thoughts that still needed to be answered, and you both knew that. The question was, where do you even begin?

"So," You breathed out. "I possess some of the powers that you've lost?"

Bakugo let out a sigh before nodding. "Yeah. That means those pests are going to be able to sense it way more than they did before."

You nodded taking in his statement, however at the thought you had a realization. "Wait. Does that mean-?"

He nodded knowing exactly what you were thinking. "It's back to being escorted to every damn place."

You whined in sadness. You had just gained the ability to wander the kingdom without worry, and now it seemed like you were going back to square one.

"Stop whining." Bakugo scolded you as he began to head towards the door. "Now hurry up. I have shit I need to do."


The soft creak of the door disturbed the somber silence. Walking over towards the man who hired her, her smile shifts upwards into a wide grin. It was almost inhuman.

"I never thought someone as noble as you would need help from me." She cooed in delight.

Midoriya didn't say a word as he turned to face the woman. She was shorter than him. Her sharp golden eyes were enough to pierce any man enough to send them into a frozen state of fear, but he was not phased.

"I have a job for you." He stated pushing a parchment towards her. "And it requires your...'special' skills."

The woman was intrigued by the cursive writing. A moment passed by as her golden hues scanned through the scribbled down words. As her eyes took in the task, her lips widened into an excited smile as a giggled escaped her.


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