Ch. 29 - The Last Day

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Two days seemed to have flown by in what appeared to be in seconds. The final preparations were being placed and now it was just a matter of time before they come.

The kingdom worked day and night gathering food and supplies for the battle. You managed to evacuate the majority of the people with Mina's help, along with some of the soldiers. At one point she had offered to tag along with them, so you could stay and continue your medicinal training.

"We need healers." Mina expressed with a worried brow. "So many people will die if we don't."

You reassured her and thanked her for the offer. Since then you had been training various people about simple, yet effective medicine to use. It was pretty impressive how much you knew about medicine at your age, even the king seemed slightly impressed by your knowledge.

He watched from afar as you began to mix together several herbs in a small clay pot. Several thoughts roamed through his head as his eyes watched your form.

It was the final day. In just a few hours you will leave with some of the soldiers towards the evacuees. His heart squeezed at the thought, but most of all ached at the words Kirishima had spoken to him.

There was no guarantee you would see him again. For all he knows this was he last and final battle. Anything he had to tell you needed to be done now, whether he liked it or not.

"Oi dumbass!" He called out to you causing your head to perk up.

He watched as you held a finger up to your trainees before brushing your hands against your legs.

You walked over to him with that usual heartfelt smile you had. The one that made his heart tighten.

"Hey, What's up?"

Your smile dropped for a moment as you looked up at him. This was the first time you saw him in the last two days. Small dark circles had formed underneath his eyelids and his prideful scowl was softened into a solemn state.

As you opened your mouth to speak, Bakugo turned on his heals walking away. "Follow."

A wave of confusion washed over you as you followed behind. There was nothing but silence as the two of you walked together. As you made it further into the woods, you noticed the familiarity of the place as a dirt path firmed into a circle; a weapon rack resting just on the grass beside the dirt outline.

This was the training grounds Bakugo had first taken you to.

"Um...what's going on?"You questioned. Your gaze shot over towards the ash-blonde as he walked further into the domain. The king didn't say a word.

You watched as he suddenly threw he cape of his form and to the side. His hand reached over towards the hilt of his blade. Drawing his sword, he turned towards you.

"B-Bakugo...?" You called out to him once more, fear rising a bit in you as thoughts from the shapeshifting woman came to mind.

"Draw your weapon." He demanded, his usual glare not showing in his features.

There was a moment in hesitation before you did so. Pulling your dagger out of your satchel, several emotions began to rise within you. Confusion, worry, fear.

Your mouth opened as you tried to call out to him once more, however your words were caught in your throat. In a blink of an eye, the has-blonde was now in front of you.

His blade inched towards you. In a panic you swung your dagger up, blocking his strike. What was going on? Was this truly Bakugo or was it another one of that witch's tricks?

"You're open."

Your eyes widened as you felt your balance disappear. His foot swept under the you causing you to fall backwards onto the ground.

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