1: You've Got The Trigger, Pull It

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"Honestly why does he even have those fucking horns?" One of them snickered. 

"Probably got 'em from his dad. Whoever that is." The other one chuckled back. A third one joined in with, "Hey sweat bucket, do your shirts stain pink too? That's gotta be hard to get out.". 

Jun swore he heard the teacher laugh. 

This was hell.

It was supposed to just be a test. Tests are bad enough already. But Jun's teacher had pointedly decided to ignore the kids who were shouting insults at him. 

It wasn't like he didn't know he was fucked up. Even if no one had told him he would be able to tell. Its obvious just by looking at him that he's not normal. 

Logically he knows mutant quirks were fairly common, especially 'small mutations' like his, where it doesn't actually affect his quirk, its just an aesthetic bonus. Hell, he's seen a girl with bright pink skin around the neighborhood, so he's far from the strangest person.

 And yet it seemed it was him people couldn't just leave alone. 

"Who'd ever want to be around him?" "Yeah. Hey slimy, get the fuck out of our school, no one wants you here." Someone said. "Just kill yourself already. Do us all the favor.". They kicked the back of his chair. Jun's chest hit the desk painfully. He already had a bruise from people doing it yesterday and the day before that and the day before that. 

In fact Jun was pretty sure the chair kicking things started in first grade and just never stopped. 

"Hey teach, can't you just say he groped one of the girls or something? You know, get him outta here?" The first one said, turning around in his seat to face the front of the class. The teacher just chuckled and shook his head. 

"Ew Asato, don't even joke about that!" A girl giggled from behind him. "Yeah, I think I'd die if he even got near me!" Another squealed. 

Jun kept his eyes on the test, trying to ignore the achy feeling in his chest. It wasn't from the bruise, it was from something else. Something less physical. Yet he decided to blame the bruise. 

"Wow he really is so disgusting. Fuck." Another laughed. Someone threw a sharp pencil at his leg, another threw their book. It hit him in the back of the head and when he didn't react everyone started laughing. 

He knew he was disgusting. He knew he was gross. He knew his mom was an idiot. He knew his quirk was weird. He knew he was ugly. He knew he was worthless. He knew having horns was weird. He knew. He knew. He knew. 

He fucking knew, so why didn't they shut up about it?! 

The next time someone kicked his chair, his pen made a mark all over the test. Jun gritted his teeth. Ignore it. Ignore it. Ignore it. 

Most of the class had handed back their tests now, not missing an opportunity to look at his while they walked past his desk. 

He neared the final question, acutely aware that lunch would be starting soon. He could feel his quirk start to activate the more anxious he got. He might not finish the test in time. 

The second he set his pen down to draw the diagram needed for the last question, someone kicked his chair. Harder this time. Faster too. The pen snapped in half and ink leaked out all over the page, covering the page and obscuring the writing. 

"Ah, Mizuno. Please be more careful. You'll have to redo the whole test after school now." The teacher said before going back to looking at his phone. 

Jun snapped the piece of pen that remained in his hand in half. One of his 'classmates', Tajima, stood beside his desk and bent down to be at eye level with Jun. 

Try-Hard (BNHA x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now