23: Why Oh Why?

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Jun didn't have to think for a second while with Shoto. It was like sweet oblivion. 

The hero student was incredibly innocent. He barely knew how anything 'worked' but they figured it out. Toga didn't question where he had gone off to when he showed up at the house the next day. 

When he was with Katsuki he was constantly thinking. His mind raced with possibilities, with ideas, with thoughts about the hero student himself. With Shoto it was a dreamless, sleeplike experience. 

He had planned on killing Endeavor just a week before. He still wanted to do that, and he was pretty sure Shoto did too. But now Jun could kill Endeavor and break the news that his son was very gay and very repressed. 

Jun didn't mind being the 'wild and experimental' hookup. He was glad just to be away from his head for a few hours. 

"He used to beat me if I got a move wrong or said I wouldn't do something." Shoto revealed. They were sitting on the couch in Mange's apartment (that Jun was still using his monthly allowance to lease), watching a movie. It was a ghibli one that Jun had never seen before, but Shoto must have seen 100 times from the way he spoke about it. 

"That's fucked up." Jun told him. It was like a reminder to the hero student. A reminder that this wasn't normal. "I mean, my mom was pretty fucked up too thinking back, but at least she loved me at one point, you know? I don't think that asshole thought of his kids as anything more than tools.". 

Shoto nodded, deep in thought. "Why do you want to become a hero so badly?" Jun asked, a little out of the blue. "I mean, I wanted to be a hero as a little kid too, don't get me wrong, but you saw how horrible heroes really were. Why do you still want to be one of them?". 

"Because I want to change that." Shoto said simply, "I don't just want to arrest villains, I want to stop them from happening. I feel like most people just get dragged into it or pushed too far.". Jun laughed, almost hysterically so. 

"That's what I want to do too." He replied, giggling a little still. "But I'm doing it from the other side.". 

"Also, your ideal might be relevant sooner than you think.". 

-------- -------- ------- ------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 

 Dabi and Jun sat across from each other at the dining table, neither wanting to meet eyes. 

"You two can't keep scooting around each other like this." Kurogiri scolded, his tone weirdly parental. "You have to talk this out like adults, even if you aren't really old enough to be considered them yet.". The pair nodded, but kept their eyes glued to the floor. 

There was a moment of silence before Dabi sighed. "I'm sorry." He gritted out, "I shouldn't have shouted at you like that, and I shouldn't have told you you'd be better of out of the league. I still think you're too young for this but we're a family now. We're stuck with each other the way it is, and I can't say I regret that." 

Jun nodded but remained silent. "You remind me of my little brother. My real little brother. The two of you are super, super different but that doesn't really matter to my head." The villain joked. "Its time you heard my story. I know yours, enough of it at least, and you don't know shit about my past.". 

The teen looked up, his eyes glued to the older villain. "I was born as the result of a quirk marriage. My father specifically sought out my mother to create the perfect quirk. It-it backfired. No pun intended." Dabi explained, "I have more firepower than my father but I'm weak to it like my mother. Dear old dad wasn't satisfied with that.". 

"He had 3 more children. My sister and my two brothers. I was trained for my entire life. Tortured, pushed too far, beaten, but still I wanted to be a hero. It was my dream, and believe it or not All Might was my idol." Dabi continued. Jun laughed a little at that but stopped as soon as he saw the far off look in the villain's eyes. "The week after my baby brother, the one you remind me of, manifested his quirk, my father stopped training me. See, he had the perfect quirk with none of the drawbacks. That didn't stop him from hurting me though. He continued to beat me all through middle school. He took all his frustration out on me and I took it. I didn't want him to beat my little brother.". 

"You reached a breaking point." Jun realized. Dabi gave him a tight lipped smile, barely tugging at the staples in his face. 

"We fought one night, I burned up my body pretty badly and he only added to that. Everyone thinks I'm dead, even my siblings and mother. But I survived. Some underground doctor picked me up and helped me out and I've spent my time as a villain ever since." Dabi finished, folding his hands in front of him at the kitchen table. "But there's a twist here.". Jun nodded dumbly having absolutely no idea what the twist could be. 

"My father was Endeavor. My real name is Todoroki Touya, his oldest son.". 

Jun's mouth dropped open and he stared at Dabi with shock and horror. "I know, its pretty wild." The villain said. There was another, more awkward silence before Dabi spoke again. "Are you over the shock yet? Shit kid are you alright?". 

Quickly the grey haired boy closed his mouth and swallowed heavily. "And that brother I remind you of would be....?" "Todoroki Shoto." Dabi confirmed, still a bit confused at the reaction. 

"Jun? Jun are you alright? Hey, talk to me." Dabi said, rushing over to Jun as he just sat there, unmoving with a blank expression. 

Oh he had fucked up. He had fucked up bad. 


We'll be getting back to the action soon, don't you worry! 

I foreshadowed this interaction in the last chapter, so you all probably saw it coming. I can't tell if its sad or hilarious, uk? Cause like Dabi had a horrible life but also Jun is sitting there at the end like 'oh shit what have I done?' 

Anyways stay tuned! 

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