5: Hard To Get

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I drew the first draft of Jun's outfit! Its a little rough and it'll get better and clearer as we go on, but I figured you guys might want a visual for this segment. It was kinda interesting because I realized while drawing this that Jun is a lot taller than my other protagonists. Usually they're somewhere around 5'4, at the beginning at least usually they grow, but Jun is 5'8. 


By the time they reached the outside of the building Jun became very aware from the sand on the ground that this was not the real Dabi. 

That was a problem. A big problem. He had to get out of there before the timer ran out or before Eraserhead realized something was up. 

His thoughts were interrupted when Dabi said something smug and Eraserhead punched him in the face. Jun didn't hesitate to use his quirk to launch himself back at Eraserhead, slamming him into the ground. 

He tried to take that moment to bolt, but the weird scarf the hero was wearing grabbed his ankle and hauled him back. As he was dragged past Dabi the clone tried to reach out to grab him, but their hands slipped apart. Jun's quirk had gotten too active and it felt like his arms were covered in the pink substance. 

"You're both new to the league." Eraserhead said as Jun used his quirk to slide out of the weapon's grasp. "You look a little young to be playing such dangerous games.". 

Jun clenched his jaw. He tried sending some slime over to Eraserhead, hoping to cover his eyes and save himself some hand to hand combat, but to no avail. The hero simply avoided the attack, even when Jun tried to reroute it in midair. 

The hero wasn't even attacking him, just staring. Observing, like there were some dots he was trying to connect. Dabi tried next but had his flames dissolved by the hero's quirk. 

Finally, Jun had enough and decided to just haul off and punch the hero, but the clone pulled him back, just barely saving him from Eraserhead's own, much stronger hit. 

"Mizuno." The hero said finally, like he had put it all together. Jun's stomach dropped. "You're Mizuno, the bullying victim, aren't you?". 

"Bullying victim?" Jun said, laughing uncomfortably, "Is that how they remember it?". He didn't care that he was basically confirming his identity, all he wanted was for the hero to shut up. For once in this fight he was glad it wasn't the real Dabi. He would be embarrassed to tell him what really happened. Dabi and Toga already knew too much. 

Eraserhead sighed, as if he was dealing with an errant toddler and not a villain. "What you're doing is illogical." He said simply, stepping towards Jun until they were barely two feet apart. Dabi started forming a wall of fire around the three off them, setting the nearby trees ablaze. "This isn't a way to deal with your problems.". Eraserhead reached for Jun and he flinched backwards. 

"Fuck you." Jun spat, trying to punch Eraserhead again. The hit landed on his neck and not his face, but the hero still winced. When he tried to swing again, Eraserhead caught the punch midair. 

"I understand you're angry, but you need to calm down and come with me-" The hero's words were silenced by pink slime making its way from Jun's arm to the hero's and then over his eyes and mouth, smothering him and negating his quirk. If only Eraserhead had activated his quirk earlier, Jun lamented with a smirk. 

He reached forwards, grabbing the hero's throat with his hands, and shoving them both to the ground. But before he could even think of killing the pro, the Dabi clone hauled Jun back by his shoulders and the teen lost his quirk's grip on the hero. 

"Leave." He said simply, gesturing to the forest. That when Jun noticed two things. One, the clone was leaking more sand than before, meaning he was running out of time. Second, Vlad King was back and running towards them. 

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