Molly x Fem!Reader Part I

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You were seated in the back of the class one seat away from Libby not really paying attention; you heard your teacher saying something that caught your attention. "As I'm sure many of you have noticed, we have a new student joining us. Welcome Molly Mcgee! Would you like to tell us a little bit about yourself?"

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

A new student huh? I thought to myself as I looked up seeing a girl wearing an odd yet pretty outfit. What was her name again? Molly?? "I sure would!" I hear Molly saying. "If you know only one thing about me, its that IIII.." I was paying attention for the first time actually haha and noticed she started slipping? "what the hell..?" I muttered to myself. "I- uh.. Like to dance." It sounded more like a question but whatever.

Everyone started cheering while im just confused.. 

"Bravo, Andrea Davenport, social influencer, future disrupter, Brighton middle school's official Good Will ambassador."

Ugh Ann-drea. I again say to myself purposely saying her name wrong cuz its funny. 

"It's a lot of things in one, I know. I'd be honored if you joined me on stage this afternoon at the new school year assembly!"  Ann-drea said with that annoying little spoiled voice of hers. 

"Wow, thanks! That's would be incredible, Ann-drea" 


"eheheh, Its actually, AHN-drea"

"Isn't that what I said..?"

I feel sorry for her knowing this wont end well..

"No, you said 'Ann-drea'"

"Oh! I-Im so so sorry"

"oh hunny its fine, its your first day, forgive and forget."

yeah you better say its fine.

"wow thank you, Ahn-drea, thats real nice of you." 

her expression suddenly changed.. 

"Oh crud! is it- is it Ann-drea or wait what was it again? is it- which vowel? is it e a, a, e, i, o,     ooh-andrea? or is there an ooan? is it like ooan-drea?" oh my god- Shes like so so so soo dead. Andrea is gonna make her life hell. 

The teacher tells her to have a seat before she makes anything worse, which she already made it worse. People are calling her a monster while she walks to the back; she sits in between me and Libby. 

I face her "I hate her so much, I don't even know why she gets so mad if someone pronounces her stupid name wrong." I tell Molly. I then introduce myself. "I'm (Y/N) nice to meet you" "nice to meet you too (Y/N), did I say it right?" Molly said. "Yeah you did, I'm not like Andrea so I don't mind if you get my name wrong."  Libby starts telling Molly her little story about how in 1st grade she called Andrea, Ann-drea, and ever since then her life at school was awful. Sheesh, I really want to make an andrea hate club, shes the worse.

Class was dismissed 

(itll get better i think haha, its my first time making these sorry if you dont like it)

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