Andrea x Male! reader

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You have been in the car for more than 4 hours! But its all worth it as you were moving to a new state! you never really had that many friends back in Michigan.. but thats all gonna change in Brighton!! 

(Y/N)'s POV

I finally got to my new house!! I picked my room eheheh its in the basement.. 

"Y/N! go to bed you got school tomorrow!!" I hear my mom yell out to me

"Alright!!" i get my things ready and brush my teeth. 

I cant sleep im really nervous and excited for tomorrow....

Time skip (7:30 a.m.) (ima pretend the school starts at 8 am since my middle school does)


"ughh... shut up...." I mumbled to myself.. 

i get up not knowing whats happening, oh yeah i just remembered i have school today..

i head to my parents room waking my mom up 

"hey mom i have a headache can i skip school today?" hehe im so good at lying i know


damn it! 

I head back in my room as i get changed. 

"Eat your breakfast, quick, ima be in the car waiting for you" 

I eat my breakfast and head to my car, which is full of chips and stuff since we did eat snacks on our way here..

Man everything's different here in brighton..

"here we are!! now lemme get your first day of school pictures so i can post it on facebook!" Mom says.

"But mom kids are gonna see me and make fun of meee"

"alright fine fine, go to school now, have a good day!"

wow i actually prevented those cringy pictures!! 

I went to the office to get my schedule, they said a student was gonna show me around the school the first 15 minutes.. supposedly they didnt do that until some student accidentally went in the stage instead of the nurses office.. wow

I see the door next to me open revealing a girl with pretty blue hair and dark brown eyes

"uh hey, are you the guy i was supposed to be showing around?"  

Shes really pretty, her eyes, her hair.. everything!

"u-uh yeah!"

We head out the office and go to all the classes..

"So this here is the math room, i think its your third period right?"

"Uh yeah it is"

"okay cool cool we have the same class together!"

Sweet! now im really excited!

"So were did you move from?" Andrea asked

"Oh well I was living in Michigan, My dad just got a new job here so we had to move"

"That's pretty cool" she said as i see her cheeks getting a bit pink

Andrea's POV

Honestly this is the first time I see someone enjoy their time with me... mostly everyone looks scared and stuff..

"Hey Y/N you wanna sit with me at lunch?"


"Sweet ill meet you by the vending machine near the lunch room, well ill see you in math" 



ah yes yes yes!! im so excited! the most prettiest girl in the school asked me to sit with her at lunch! The last time someone asked me was when i was in 1st grade..

Time skip at lunch

I was walking towards that vending machine, as I was walking i saw andrea standing next to it using her phone, not caring about the other people walking in front of her. I smile and head towards her. 

"Hi Andrea"

"Oh hey Y/N, lets go"

We headed towards one of the lunch tables near the back corner

we were talking about random stuff 

Andrea's POV

im starting to feel really nervous around Y/N.. like ive never felt this before- am i sick? I must be sick. It feels like my heart is gonna burst out of me. 

"Uhm andrea you good? youre face is really red"

"Oh is it? lemme go to the nurses office then ahahah.."

"let me walk you there"


"oh uh okay..?"

I rushed out of the room, geez that was terrible..

I pull my phone out searching it up on google.. *why do i feel nervous around someone*

OH NO WAY- its true.. woahh ima tell him today yeah yeah hahehhehe....


I see Andrea walking back from the nurses office, she looks fine now but im still a bit worried..

"Hey Y/N, I have something to tell you.. So yeah i now we just met a couple of hours ago, about you made me feel things i have never felt uh uhmmm i uh- you know the word like.. you" 

The words Andrea just told me made my eyes go wide! i never thought this wouldve happen!! 

"I like you too Andrea heheh" I said as i scratched the back of my neck 

"Wait really?!?"

"Yeah of course! youre one of my first friends! and I really want to be more than friends with you, you know soo do you wanna go out with me?"

"Yes!! I would love to!!!" 

We both hugged each other and gave each other little kisses 

The End

Request by @asteriodbelt38 Sorry for the long wait, theres been things going on which had made me not wanna do anything (theres a word for that, i literally just forgot it) Sorry if this wasnt what you expected, I had a hard time with it heheh 

(847 words)

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