His Arrival

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Morning met Aki, as the sun started to shine through the windows. Aki fluttered her eyes and stretched her arms. She looked at the time, it's past 10. Meaning, her siblings and parents are at work again. And they won't be coming back for a while.

Aki stood up from her desk and left her room to take a bath. While her room was left unattended, something extraordinary happened. Her PC started glittering, mysteriously. The PC opened by itself and started shining brightly, then, something appeared.

Meanwhile with Aki, after going for a shower, she went downstairs and ate the prepared food by the servants. "Aki, are you alright?" One of the servants — Koga — asked. "Of course, you don't need to be worried." Aki nodded as she finished eating. "I'm more worried about you all. I'm sure you all have been working for a long period of time."

"No need to worry about us, Miss Aki! We are proud to serve you." One of the servants stated. "Ah... alright then." Aki said. Feeling unassured about the servant's answer, she thought; What if they secretly hate me? Everyday I eat, go to school, and play Genshin. "I'll be upstairs now." Aki forced a smile and left the dining room.

While heading to her room, she heard some thudding from her room. She was worried. What if there's a theif?! She thought. Aki stood in front of her door and carefully held the door's handle. She opened the door. "Who's there?!-" She spoke.

There was a person in her room. He had white hair with a red strand on his hair. His clothing was very detailed from head to toe. Maple leaves seemed to be the main thing about his clothing. Aki realized who he is.

Her jaw dropped. "It... It can't be!" Aki gasped, covering her mouth. "Kazuha?!" Aki exclaimed. Kazuha sheathed his sword and pointed it at Aki. "How do you know my name?" He asked. Aki was too shocked to respond. She couldn't tell if she was dreaming or not. "Answer me, how do you know my name?" Kazuha repeated his question again.

Aki calmed down, but then a servant called her name in a worried tone. "Miss Aki? What's happening? Are you alright?" A servant asked, there were footsteps approaching the room. Aki had to act fast.

Aki held Kazuha's arm and dragged him behind the door. Kazuha was about to let go but Aki spoke. "Please do not make any noise. I'll explain it to you after this." Aki whispered. Kazuha followed Aki's request. Aki went to the door and the servant had just arrived. "Are you alright? What happened?" Koga asked. "I'm fine! Uhh... I was just playing a game and I was just surprised when I got something?" Aki chuckled.

"I see... I'll be off then." Koga said as she observed Aki's room. Koga started leaving and Aki shut the door.

"Now, would you care to explain why am I here and how do you know my name?" Kazuha asked Aki as he crossed his arms. "First, I... I'm not sure if you'll believe me but I know you because you're in a game called Genshin Impact and I have you in the game..." Aki tried explaining. Aki was really nervous, who knows if Kazuha would kill her, so she kept fidgeting her fingers.

Kazuha observed the nervous girl's actions. "If you're worried about my weapon, do not fear. I won't kill you." Kazuha said. "Why am I here?" Aki massaged her temples. "I... I uhm... I don't know either..." Aki mumbled.

"I swear, I don't! I just came to my room and saw you!" Aki exclaimed. "I never said anything about doubting you." Kazuha said. His eyes observed the room, there were very unfamiliar things in the room. "May I ask another question?" Kazuha asked. Aki nodded quickly. "Why is your room very... strange?" Kazuha said. "Take that... flat box object for example." He pointed at Aki's PC.

"That's a PC. It's an electronic gadget." Aki explained. "Electronic? Like Electro? Does that mean it originated from Inazuma?" Kazuha asked as he walked closer to observe the PC. "Ah... no." Aki shook her head. "This world isn't the same as where you're from."

"Hm? And why is that?" Kazuha asked as he turned his head to Aki. Aki was flustered. "Erm... well... I... The world you're from is fictional. Most things in Teyvat are based on the world we're in right now..." Aki said. Kazuha stayed silent. "Did I explain in clearly? I'm sorry if you didn't get it." Kazuha chuckled. "No worries, I understood your explanation very well."

"Now... How do I get back into this PC?" Kazuha asked himself. He observed the PC even more and then turned his head to Aki once again. "Do you have an idea, Miss Aki?" Aki got slightly surprised about how he referred to her.

"I don't know... sorry." Aki said. "Hm." Kazuha hummed. "Is there anything you did before this? Or perhaps did you wish for something?" Aki recollected her memory from yesterday. Nothing came into mind. Aki doesn't really remember anything what happened yesterday, all she remembers is that she cried.

"Nothing?" Kazuha asked. Aki nodded. "I'm sorry..." Aki muttered. Kazuha giggled. "It's alright, Aki. It isn't your fault." Aki looked down in embarrassment. "Well, I think we should look for clues, yes?"

Kazuha put his hand on the door handle to open the door but then Aki stopped him. "Hm? What's wrong?" Kazuha asked. "I forgot to tell you that I'm not alone at home. Let me introduce myself properly." Aki said.

"My full name is Kawamura Aki. Just call me Aki. I'm a child of one of the most wealthiest companies. My birthday is on December 22. My parents and siblings aren't usually at home so they have servants to take care of me and I am home schooled. But there are times when the servants go home, that's when I want them to." Aki introduced herself properly to Kazuha.

"Ah, I see. So, how will we deal with this?" Kazuha asked. "Obviously, ask them to leave since I have the permission to." Aki suggested. "Good, go on then." Kazuha stepped away from the door and Aki opened the door.

She went out and closed the door as she left. Then she thought; 'That's strange... I opened up to him and even talked to him. I've never done that to anyone.' She went downstairs and called out the servants. "What is it Miss Aki?" Koga asked. "I'd like all of you to take a break and be at home with your family." Aki smiled. "It is the weekends after all..."

All the servants looked happy. "But Miss Aki, who will take care of you?" One of the servants asked. Aki couldn't really think about what to say, so she replied with a simple response. "I can handle myself. No worries."

"Alright... Everyone, take your things. We're leaving." Koga announced to all of the servants. Soon after, everyone started leaving. Aki waved goodbye to all of them and made sure that no one is left in the house. Aki closed the door of the servants' dorm and went upstairs to call Kazuha. "They're gone..." Aki stated.

Kazuha opened the door. "Alright, where shall I stay?" Aki glanced upon the hallway of doors, thinking. "We have many vacant rooms... Why don't you choose?" Aki stated.

"Can I?" Kazuha asked. Aki nodded. Kazuha took the 3rd room at the left, which was one of the smallest rooms. "Are you sure you'd like that room?" Aki asked. "Do you not prefer large rooms?" "Yes, it makes me feel lonely." Kazuha said. He put on a soft smile. "Well then, I'll be in my room sleeping." Aki said. "Erm... I... Uh, if you need anything, just knock on my door."


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