Flustering Frustration

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Once I arrived my room, I shut the door and suddenly smiled

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Once I arrived my room, I shut the door and suddenly smiled. "What the hell?" I sighed as I covered my face in embarrassment. "Why did I get flustered from that?!" I asked myself.

I walked over to my bed and looked at the ceiling. Looking at the caramel walls that complimented the red trees outside. I felt my face flush as thoughts went through my mind. Then, my phone rang. "Oh shit," I said as I looked at the phone. It was Asami. I hesitated to answer it at first, but it is just Asami. I was about to answer but then declined the phone call and went to our chatbox.


what are you doing?

calling you. im bored ://
give me attention

you don't have classes?

aki, dear. it's christmas break.

oh. right...
what do you want to talk abt?


im okay i guess...

i'm alrighttt!
how's kazuha?



I... I can't process anything. Hold up. I was about to type again but then Asami called and I accidentally picked up.

"Hey, hey, hey! You answered." Asami said enthusiastically. "H...hi," I muttered. "Ha?? What's wrong?" Asami asked. "Did something happen?" I took a deep breath and let it out. "Nothing. Nothing happened-" I replied. "It's about Kazuha, probably." Asami laughed.

"You're right...?" I said. "You know me too well, don't you?" I turned my head to my left. "Mhmmm! So, what happened?" Asami asked. "Well..." I said.

In those few moments, I told Asami about what happened. She seemed really happy and kept teasing me about it. "Woww... It does sound like something from a romantic drama novel." Asami said. "Have you told him how you feel? Before you ask how I know, it's obvious." She really knows everything... She's like my sister. "I don't think it's a sharp idea... He just met me and he isn't real." I replied.

"You just hit yourself with a reality check," Asami said. "Ouch." I rolled my eyes. "What can I do? It's true. I shouldn't let myself be so brainless with the fact that Kazuha is here. He'll most likely be gone anyway." I replied. "Have you ever thought that he might not? You're so negative." Asami sighed.

"But—" I said. But Asami interrupted me. She's really pushing me to be positive... "Uhuh. Listen here, it's time for you to be happy. You've been so depressed and you don't do ANYTHING to move on. It's time that you look for a change." Asami said.

"I care and love you, Aki. I don't want you regretting throwing away your life in the future." Asami said. She's right... I should be having the most memorable time of my life. I'm just throwing them away... "What do you say, let's go out tomorrow?" Asami asked. "And where are you planning to go?" I asked.

"I don't know..." Asami replied. "How about a walk around the neighborhood? Let's just have a brief and small hangout." I scoffed. "Well, if you say so," I said. "And let's invite Kazuha!" Asami exclaimed. I nearly choked when I heard Asami say Kazuha's name.

"No." I declined. "Why not? Are you too embarrassed about the thing he said about you?" Asami teased. I stood up from my bed and decided to walk around idly while talking. "It's not that. I just..." I said as my eyes shifted from place to place.

"Fine! Maybe I am embarrassed." I sighed. "But won't you feel the same as me if someone said that to you? Don't make fun of me." Asami chuckled. "Whatever..." Asami laughed. "Tell him yourself, by the way. Okay, bye." Asami said in a teasing tone. I scoffed and hit my head softly on the mattress.

All sorts of scenarios went through my mind when I thought about telling this outing to Kazuha. Then, there was a quiet knock on my door. "Aki, are you alright?" The person said, sounds like Kazuha. "It's me, Kazuha," Kazuha stated.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" I asked. "You've been awfully noisy if you don't mind me saying... Your brother asked to check on you as well." Kazuha muttered. I stood up and put my feet on the floor.

I opened the door and Kazuha was holding a tray in his hands. It has some steak, rice, and orange juice on the side. I noticed the steak was nicely plated, there were some carrots on the side. They looked like bunnies. "I made some steak, your brother informed me this is your favorite dish. I have not made steak in my life so, excuse me if it's not like those you favor." Kazuha handed me the tray.

"You could've just told me to go downstairs instead of bringing all of these... These look heavy to carry." I stated as I put the tray on the table. "You needn't worry. They aren't heavy as they seem to me. Besides, I know you'd rather stay in your room than go downstairs." Kazuha said.

"Right... By the way," I started speaking. His gaze locked into mine. "Uhm, Asami told me to invite you to hangout tomorrow. You don't have to come, I'll just tell her." I said.

"I see. I'll accept your invitation." Kazuha said. "Alright, I'll just tell Asami that you won't...-" Hold on. He's coming?! "What?" I asked. "I said I'll come." Kazuha repeated.

I didn't ACTUALLY think he would agree. Then again, he does have a kind heart so I don't think he would decline...

"Why so shocked? You asked if I would like to come." Kazuha asked. "Oh, nothing. Nothing." I replied. The area grew quiet. I started to shut the door and suddenly Kazuha perked up. "Oh, goodbye then." Kazuha said awkwardly. I shut the door fully and settled down to my bed. My thoughts were circulating and processing what happened.

Mostly about how I messed that conversation up. My mind spotted countless of mistakes I did. As I was thinking, Asami texted.

mybelovedasami sent a message.
"did you ask yet???."
"what did he say?"

did you ask yet
what did he say?


then i'll meet you both their at your house tmrw
SEE YOU <33333

I put my phone on my bedside table and kept thinking. Thinking, thinking, and thinking. What if it's gonna be awkward tomorrow? I can't stop thinking about Kazuha.

Kazuha. Kazuha. Kaedehara Kazuha.

Why can't I stop thinking about him?! Maybe if I slept, it'll be better...

Why can't I stop thinking about him?! Maybe if I slept, it'll be better

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