2. Organ Spill

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I had no idea where I was or how I got there. The laughter and cheering of children came pouring down the halls. The walls adorned with pictures of birthday cake and balloons. Plastic fold out tables sat along the walls, holding confetti, paper plates and party bags. I walked down the hall towards the door at the far end. The smell of cake and cheep plastic party decorations came boldly from the other side. I twisted the door nob and opened it to a horrific sight. A woman lay on one of the plastic tables, her body was battered and bruised and her stomach has be torn apart. Her torso lay empty, her guts was strewn around the table, many laying half eaten on small paper plates, some wrapped in paper towels and most of it covered in glitter and icing. I suppressed a scream as I looked at the woman in horror. As I stared the door swung shut behind me with a thundering slam. I reached for the handle but when I turned to look it was gone. The door had become a solid block of wood. I gulped and started trying to push the door open. It couldn't budge. My heart began to race and I began to pound on the door in a panic. My heart dropped when I heard it. The laughter of children from behind me. I turned to see a group of children, all with blood and pieces of guts coating their mouthes and hands. They all held piped and bats, adorned with coloured pieces of paper. One of the children pointed to him, a wide grin on his face "The new piñata is here!", in seconds they had descended upon me, I screamed as tiny hands grasped me, pulling me to the ground as hit after hit struck me from their bats. I closed my eyes, shielding my head from their torrent of  strikes. As they struck me I felt tiny hands grasp my shirt and pull it up. I opened my eyes in time to see the flash of silver as it plunged into my stomach. I screamed in pain as the knife sliced down my stomach and their tiny hands grasped as the new wound, tearing it open. I winced, the children laughing around me as they grasped my organs, ripping the from my body and sinking their tiny teeth into my flesh. I closed my eyes tight, wishing for it all to be over. And then nothing, I woke up in a cold sweat, panting. I was mid sigh of relief when I noticed something. The sound of laughing children

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