16. Plant Growth

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Henry had thought nothing of the seed that fell to the forest floor. That was until he watched it begin to grow from a seed to a sapling to a full tree in the span of 30 seconds. He was so busy looking on in surprise that he he was completely blindsided by a falling seed. It fell down his shirt and before he could take in what had happened it's roots were digging into his back. He cursed as he fell to his knees. The roots wrapped around his spine and worked their way through his organs. He let out a scream as the roots pierced through his torso and burrowed into the soil below. He was stuck, suspended in the air, impaled by roots, blood dripping down the roots. He could feel new roots wriggling through his body as one pierced his heart. it burst open and blood poured to the forest floor as the sun above him was blocked out by the rapidly growing leaves. He looked up, the roots growing into his limbs. As the roots worked their way through his head his brain's last thought was the realisation that most of the trees had the bones of animals or people grown into them. He wasn't the first to fall victim to the flash forest and he wouldn't be the last.

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