10. Candy Gore

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Veronica hadn't thought much of the free chocolate sample at the supermarket the day before, not until she coughed up a piece of peppermint. She stared down at her palm, the piece of candy laying flat in it. She watched in disbelief before she felt her stomach turn and another coughing fit overtook her. She felt more candy rising to the surface as she coughed up a handful of jelly babies. She stared at it wide eyed before her surprise was replaced  by fear. Her heart dropped as she felt a sharp pain in her throat. It grew as she clutched her throat before a candy cane tore through her throat. She gasped for air as she felt lumps form under her skin. She began scratching hard at the lumps, managing to burst one open, a single jelly bean falling from the wound. She screamed as she could feel candy forming inside of every part of her body. Her lungs flooded with marshmallows, her veins filled with jelly beans and her heart full of syrup.

Jackie opened the door to Veronica's apartment. She hadn't heard from her in days and was getting worried. She walked in the front door and past the pile of candy on the floor. Searching in rooms, under beds and in cupboards. It wasn't long before she gave up searching her house and left, none the wiser of her girlfriend gruesome fate.

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