Tԋҽ Wιԃσɯ

14 0 0

12th May, 2007

The revving of her motorcycle engine slowed down, coming to a stop, as she pulled over on the side of the road, tossing her helmet to the side, her long red braid falling down her back.

Get in. Wipe them out.

Easy as that.

She started to walk down the street, swiftly, silently, down the empty alleys, making no sound except for the occasional crunch of gravel under her feet.

Her fingers brushed against the hilt of her dagger, holstered to her waist, as she quickly looked around, before pushing herself up on a solid ledge, grabbing onto the drain pipe and hoisting herself up. She paused, finding her footing almost immediately, and making sure that there was no one around to see her, before starting to effortlessly scale the side of the building.

Pulling herself up onto the roof, she quickly ducked behind a generator, out of sight of the two guards around the rooftop fire exit, drawing out a gun, quickly fixing on the suppressor, waiting for the first one to turn ever so slightly, and when he did, she took her shot. The bullet pierced the man's heart, the suppressor muffling the gunshot, and she watched the other guard's eyes widen, as he watched the first fall to the ground, face first. She aimed, and by the time he drew his weapon, it was too late, the bullet was already fired.

Damn they're easy to kill.

She stood up and rushed over, swiping the key card hanging around their belts and then quickly walked down the stairs, making no sound, down into the base, eyes darting around for the slightest movement, one hand always on the hilt of her dagger.

Hurry it up Romanova, the faster you finish this, the faster you get to go to that bar.

Passing from door to door, down the thankfully empty corridors, she kept swiping the keycard, until... footsteps. She looked around quickly, and there was no place to hide.


Then she saw it. The beams.

A moment later, the agent walked past, thinking he heard the sound of footsteps, but she was nowhere to be seen, and he walked away, visible confusion on his face, and she let out her breath, lowering herself down from the ceiling beams, landing with soft feet.

She was close, one more corridor, one more gate, one. more. room.

'Uh hello?'

She froze.

'Miss? Miss I don't think you're supposed to be he-' blood spilled on the intern's lip, as the loud sound of a gunshot rang through the air. She pulled off the lab coat, pushing the body to the floor, and she ran in the direction she had to go in, as fast as she could, hearing the footsteps behind her.

Hurry hurry hurry-


Agents started to close in on her, on both sides.

Fuck it.

She threw off the lab coat, and then smirked. 'You really think you can fight me?'

'It's all of us, against you. I'd say you're overestimating yourself.'


That's the only thing she did.

She laughed.

And then the first gunshot rang through the air, and the floor was filled with sounds of fighting, grunts and yells, and the sharp, coppery smell of blood.

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