3. Meeting With Nick

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In front of me I could see Kate, Ziggy, and Joan running. No surprise that Kate would get there first because for cheer they always make them run laps so she's become quite the runner. Kate gets to the cabin first followed by Ziggy, myself, Joan, Deena, and then Sam.

"Looks like Sam's stuck on duty duty this week," giggled Ziggy.

I ran up to Ziggy and gave her the biggest hug. Besides Kate and Simon, Ziggy was one of my closest friends. All four of us have known each other since kindergarten and we just met Deena, Josh, and Sam 3 years ago. Ziggy gave me a huge bear hug and then turned me around and ran for the bunk I was going to get.

"Snooze you lose Slater. Never trust anyone no matter how close you are," she winked.

"Oh don't worry I'll get you back Berman. It is on."

"Oh god it's started," Kate exclaimed as she walked over to hug Ziggy," so Ziggy how have you been?"

"Well mom started drinking again so you know how that goes. And my sister has been bugging me lately about behaving. She really thinks she's going to be able to go to college and get out of Shadyside. She's so gullible. She doesn't even graduate until next summer."

"Yeah Tommy has been the same way lately since mom has been bugging him about so we can figure out money. I mean at least Cindy is planning ahead. Tommy graduated already and still hasn't given her an answer and I can't listen to her yell anymore about it."

"Ok ok, love the bond everyone already has but I have to be a counselor now and say that you guys should get unpacked and everything. Please?" Joan gave puppy dog eyes to us. She knows just how to get us to do stuff.

Ever since I can remember Joan has been at camp. She's like an older sister to me and a slightly younger one to Tommy. I head over to the bunk beds and grab the bottom one. Kate hops onto the top one and peaks down at me.

"So what did Nick whisper to you?"

"Oh nothing," I lied straight through my teeth.

"Really Maya? It didn't seem like nothing. He was grinning from ear to ear and I think you also might have been blushing, just what I saw," Kate pestered.

"I'm serious, it was nothing Kate, just let it go. And no I was not blushing. Now finishing unpacking before I go tell Josh that you..."

"Ok ok Maya. shut up about that. Deena doesn't know and she can't, she'll tell him," Kate whispered.

I laughed and finished placing my clothes in the drawers, grabbing my swimsuit for when I was done. I got one of my other books out and placed it on the bed. Everyone else was so busy and focused on unpacking that I knew now would be a good time for me to slip out and head to the lake. Plus now gives me extra time so I'll only have to run until I'm out of view of the cabin. I quietly opened the door, closed it, and then darted away. Joan would be chill about me leaving but everyone would ask me where I'm going and when I mention the lake they'd all want to come. I ran until I could only see the outline of the camp and then began slowing down. I took the time to take in the beauty all around me. Life is so bleak and dead looking in Shadyside that when I'm at camp I think I'm in heaven. The colors are brighter, the atmosphere happier, and most of the people nicer. I rounded the corner and there he was, waiting for me on the beach, in his swim trunks. I never noticed how fit he was. I raced over to the closest outhouse and got changed. I threw my shorts back on and hid my other clothing in one of the stalls that's always locked. I walked back to the lake, wondering what he could possibly want to talk to me about alone.

"Hey Maya!"

"Hey Nick!"

"Umm, you look really pretty by the way," Nick pointed at my suit.

"Thanks. I almost left this but was going to go swimming after so thought I'd bring it. Your swim trunks bring out your eyes," I said, then internally panicking because I basically just told him that I was staring into his eyes, deep into his eyes. 

"Thanks," Nick blushed, "anyway why don't we walk on the dock."

We headed over to the dock and I still couldn't figure out what he wanted to talk about. Nick sat down once we got to the end and I followed.

"Maya I have a question."

"Ok shoot."

"So Simon," Oh god what has he done and where is this going?

"You and him are just friends?"

"Yeah, why?"

"It's nothing, it's just that I wanted to make sure he was out of the picture since you guys are really close." Oh god where is this conversation going?

"Listen Maya, lately there's just something about you that draws me toward you. I hadn't realised what it was until the bus ride. Maya I like you and I have for quite a while now. Like I like like you," oh god this is not where I wanted this to go.

Before I even realized what was happening Nick leaned closer to me and kissed me. I was taken back and pulled away. I got up to leave and started walking away when Nick got up.
"Maya I'm sorry. I shouldn't have just kissed you, I should have asked. I just wanted you to know how I feel about you. I'm sorry if I forced anything on you. That was not my intention Maya. Please say something. Maya. Maya. MAYA!"

I turned to face Nick and could see how sorry he was, it was written all over his face and he looked like a sad puppy.

"I'm going to head back to my cabin Nick. See you later," I said emotionlessly, scared that I would freak out right there and left without another word.

Nick stayed right where I left him and I guess he must have stayed there. I didn't care to look back. I was confused, angry, and sad all together. I knew that if I didn't find someone soon that I would explode and it wouldn't be pretty.

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