13. Friends

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We headed over to the outhouse after we saw Simon leave so that I could grab my clothes. I threw them over top of my bathing suit and Nick took out the paper Kate gave us.

"Looks like they should be at the archery range."

We reach the archery range and Kate and Ziggy come over to us.

"Glad you could join us. Thought you'd be at the lake longer though," Kate said, punching my arm.

"Simon came."

"Oh. Sorry about that by the way. He wouldn't leave me alone and I needed him to leave."

"He can be like that."

A memory played in my head. We were about 8 and we were playing truth or dare.  Simoon asked me if I had a crush on anyone and I wouldn't tell him. He kept saying that I had to because it was the rules and everything. When I was younger I wouldn't cave into whatever he needed or wanted but now I do because he can get annoyed about it if you don't do something about it the first time. Anyway it took me a week of constant nagging and pestering for me to finally cave. He was very disappointed when I said that I didn't have one and didn't want him to laugh at me for that. Almost everyone at our age had a crush.

The memory faded and I tear fell from remembering the happy times. I wiped it before I thought anyone would see it but all three of them noticed it. Nick wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"What's wrong?" both Kate and Ziggy asked me.

"It's nothing. I just had something in my eye."

I saw Kate and Ziggy look at each other and then look at Nick. Kate mouthed the words Later and I could feel Nick nod his head.

"Come on, let's go over to the others."

We met up with the others and while I was loading an arrow into the bow I caught sight of Cindy. She was heading over towards our group and I went over to Ziggy to see why Cindy was coming over to us. I knew she wasn't with Alice's group since Alice got lucky and started at 17 as a counselor and they didn't need CIndy there either. I thought I remember her being in the same cabin as Sheila.

"Why's your sister coming over to us? Doesn't she have her own cabin to take notes on being a counselor in?"

ZIggy told me that Cindy would be training this summer to be a counselor and that's why she couldn't be in Alice's cabin. It would look weird to have a counselor that's 17 and a CIT that's 17 also.

"Who knows. I haven't done anything bad this summer. Yet" Ziggy laughed at the last part.

Joan headed over to Cindy once she noticed her and they seemed to be in a deep conversation. All of us stopped what we were doing and watched the two of them. I knew Joan and Cindy would not be having a heated conversation because they aren't like that. At least that's how Tommy and Ziggy describe her, when she is in a good mood. Joan led Cindy over to our little group and smiled at us.

"Sheila screwed up and now Cindy can't be in her cabin anymore. She talked to Kurt and he said that she could join us."

Guess we have a CIT in our cabin now. Most of the counselors were taught during the school year so that the camp had more counselors but Ziggy said Cindy wanted hands- on experience.

"Hey girls," spotting Nick she added, "and guy. You guys have room for me right?"

Ziggy walked over to her sister and threw her arm around her shoulder. Guess Ziggy was in a good mood today.

"We've got room for you sis but you can't be a party pooper or we kick you out. Right girls?"

We all laughed.

"Well does anyone want to show me where I'm bunking? I've got my stuff but I didn't want to go there without knowing which bunk is mine."

"I'll do it!" I raised my arm.

I did want to get to know Cindy better, especially since she was dating my brother. Plus I needed to see if she was as bad as Ziggy said she was.

"Great! I'll go get my stuff and I'll be right back."

"You want me to come with you?" Nick asked.

"I'll be fine. Plus I want to get to know Cindy without her being worried about you hearing something she might not want you to. Also she's dating my brother and she might tell him that we're dating and I've got to find the right way to tell him that won't end with you dead."

We giggled and he took my hand in his. He brought my hand to his lips and he gave my hand a light kiss.

"Till later m'lady."

He headed over to where my loaded bow layed and picked it up to release the arrow. Cindy came back a second later and we locked arms.

"I'm excited to get to know you more Maya. Tommy tells me all about you."

"Hope it's all good" I giggle.

"Most of the time. It really wasn't until your fight the other day that he said he's worried that something bad could happen to you since you sometimes get into trouble with others. I mean he doesn't blame for the fight because he knows Sheila did it but he worries. I mean he is going to go off to college eventually and he's worried that he won't be there for you."

"Yeah I know how he gets. Ever since I was little he's been worried I'd get into a fight. I think that's why he tries to stand up for me."

Cindy and I talked all the way to the cabin, growing closer. I feel like I've known her forever and Ziggy really is lucky to have her. She's one of the nicest and most caring people I've ever met and I can see why Tommy chose her. They're so similar, both kind, that they really are a perfect match. I helped her settle into the cabin, helped her put her clothes and other things away and helped her clean off her bed.

"Sorry it's a mess. We've just been throwing our stuff on there. Didn't think anyone would be using it."

After she's all settled we try to figure out where everyone would be. It's been about an hour and we realise that they should be at the arts and craft cabin soon. We head that way but are stopped by Tommy on our way with his group. 

"Hey babe. What're doing?"

"Oh Maya was helping me get settled into her cabin. Sheila destroyed by bunk doing god knows what and Kurt said I could bunk with Maya and her friends."

"Oh that's good. My two favorite girls get some time to bond. How are you feeling Maya?"

'Pretty good. I really don't even feel anything anymore."

"That's good. Thought Nurse Lane said no talking."

"I talked to her and she said if I feel better then I'm all clear. I think it sounds worse than it actually is."

"Ok well just take it easy. Well we're headed to archery. Have you seen Nick by the way? Now that you are feeling better I guess you don't need him to follow you around."

"Yeah he'll be heading to arts and crafts with us but I 'll try and stop him since we were just at archery. See ya" and I grab Cindy's hand and dart away.  

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