Chapter 11. Restart

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Hey, I have been writing chapters all day and I am really exited because I find them quite sweet so yea I am exited to post those.

Anyway enjoy :)


"Karl?" Sapnap asked as he felt the bed dip beside him and some shuffling. 

Then he heard sniffling.

He sat up and looked at the crying man that laid on the further side of the bed facing away from him.

Karl was crying, and it hurt Sapnap to see him like this. It always will.

"Karl are you alright?" Even though Karl hurt him it still hurt to see him like this.

"Leave me alone Sapnap and go to sleep. I am tired"

"Karl I think we need to talk please"

Karl shook his head "tomorrow Sapnap, we'll talk tomorrow. Now go to bed I am tired"

Sapnap smiled. He actually smiled.

"Okay goodnight Karl"

"Goodnight Sapnap" A final sniffle came from Karl before small snores came from the man instead indicating that he has fallen asleep.




I can fix this tomorrow, I know I will.

And with that Sapnap fell asleep allowing a single tear to fall down his face.


Once Sapnap woke up he started shaking Karl awake. he didn't want to wait to figure things out.

"Karl.. Karl... come on wake up please.. we gotta talk" Karl pushed Sapnap away before muttering un identifiable words under his breath before sitting up.

He rubbed the tiredness from his eyes, looking up at the energised Sapnap.

"Ugh, fine... where do you wanna 'talk'"

Sapnap started rubbing the back of his neck as he looked down at Karl "maybe the garden? Or we can go to the top floor if you would like?" Sapnap responded.

Karl shook his head "the garden is fine.. let me put some shoes on".


They both sat down or the swings. Sapnap was facing the tree while Karl faced the rest of the castle.



They both chuckled.

"Why can't you like me Karl?" Sapnap asked pain evident in his voice.

"Getting straight to the point are we?" Karl giggled again trying to avoid the question but he knew it was on inevitable.

"Answer the question Karl"

Karl let out a small sigh before speaking.

"Your my prisoner Sapnap.. it's wrong. I can't date my prisoner. It's not my duty. I am just meant to keep you alive and locked up. That's it. Not fall in love"

Sapnap nodded his head.

"But you have already broke 2 of those Karl... haven't you" Sapnap started hashly.

"M-maybe.." Karl stuttered.

"And those would be keeping me locked up and falling in love with me... am I correct"

"I am not sure..."

"It's okay... what do you want to do about it?"

"I don't know.. I don't know if I can do anything Sapnap. Your my Prisoner. I can't do anything"

"Okay" Sapnap got up off the swing swiftly and stood in front of Karl "how about this.. we restart as friends. Not a warden and his prisoner.. friends".

Karl looked up at Sapnap and smiled before his lips thinned back into a frown.

"Sapnap... I.. but I am still meant to keep you locked up in here.. friends shouldn't do that to their other friends" Karl states sadly looking down at his lap.

"I am okay with that Karl! I won't leave! I will never try to leave I promise! I just want to restart, as friends. So we can have a chance together" Sapnap smile at Karl holding out his hand for him.

"I don't know.."

"Come on Karl, Don't you wanna have a friend finally? Arn't you sick of being alone?" Sapnap continued.

"I mean I guess.."

"Come on Karl just lets restart! Let's restart as friends Karl"

"Okay.." Karl answered hesitantly.

"Okay??!" Sapnap asked.

Karl nodded before looking up at Sapnap and took his hand "okay I said... let's be.. friends" he smiled.

"Let's gooo!" Sapnap tackled Karl in a hug pushing him to the floor while Karl giggled.

As their giggles died down and their breaths steadied a blush grew on Karl's face.

Sapnap tilted his head in curiosity before his face started to flush a deep crimson too.

"Fuck" Sapnap pushed himself off of Karl and stood up "sorry" Sapnap offered his hand to Karl in which he took.

"It's alright".

They stood there in silence before Karl looked over to Sapnap.

"So uh... what do friends do exactly? I... I can't really remember what my last friend and I did together .."

"Oh uhh... I don't know we just hang out and do shit. It doesn't matter what we do no matter what we're together I guess" he shrugged.

"Well how about we start hanging out now? I could give you a full tour of the inbetween" Karl smiled gesturing around him.

"Your allowing me to go to other floors?"

Karl giggled "well of course! We're friends arn't we??" Sapnap huffed.

"Well I guess we are-"

"Exactly! Friends don't restrict their friends do they? Well maybe one restriction.."

"No friends don't really set rules or restrictions.. only boundaries. Wait what?? One restriction? What is it?"

"Well you said you were fine with it... kinda... You can't leave the inbetween... I don't trust you enough too just run away and leave me..."

"It's fine Karl.... I've said it before and I'll say it again. I won't leave the inbetween. I promise, as long as you stay here with me" Sapnap said.

"I wouldn't dream of it any other way" Karl smiled.

"Now" Karl clapped his hands together "Ready too see the inbetween?"

"Yea sure. Let's do this!" Sapnap cheered as Karl giggled along.
1007 Words

Hope you enjoyed :)

Again I loved this chapter. But uh some fluff is coming up ;) so get ready for that.

Yooo also I never have to go back to my shitty Dad's house which is fucking brilliant. So go me I guess.

Anyway have a good day/night.

Take care <3

Love you all <3


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