Chapter 34

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I'm really tired, I really am. I have used way too much magic to defeat him. But I need to leave and communicate with everyone that we have won. After all, this wouldn't have been possible without them. 

The sword turns back into a chess piece so I put it back in my pocket. I take a last look at the Oracle, it's really scaring the fact that a single man could hurt that many people. He deserved this. 

I climb the stairs and reach the first floor. As I try to leave the building, I bump with plenty of corpses, sadly not all of them belong to the church. A lot of our friends died too, it's horrible. 

-Lloyd: (spots Eden) I couldn't save you… At least you'll be free wherever you are now (closes Eden's eyes) 

I then exit the building and meet my friends again, they all are looking at me expectantly, it's quite impressive how they all depend on me. 

-Geovnorf: Lloyd… 
-Lloyd: Everyone… I can see that you took care of the Soldiers of Light… All of you are clearly incredible… (raises his fist) 
We are free now! We've won this war for our rights! The Oracle is dead and the Church with it ! We can have a brilliant future now (smiles)

Everyone starts celebrating, despite their broken bones and plenty of wounds, they are that excited to celebrate. I'm really happy with what we have achieved even if we lost so much.

-Lloyd: How are Clive and Luna?
-Geovnorf: They were seriously injured, but once the doctor took care of them, he said that they would recover. However, right now they are unconscious. 
-Lloyd: I see, what a relief (smiles) 
-Geovnorf: You should be checked top, Lloyd. You look really pale… 
-Lloyd: That's because I used too much magic, all I need is to rest--(faints) 

-Time skip a day later-

I open my eyes slowly and bump into the doctor's face. When did I come here? I try to get up but he pushes me down again. What's going on? 

-Doctor: Lloyd, you need to rest (smiles) 
-Lloyd: Where are we? Where are Clive and the rest?
-Clive: (from another bed) You don't need to worry (smiles) We are inside the church building, we are using it as our base for the moment. All the corpses have been taken out with everyone's help. 
-Lloyd: All the corpses?! 
-Clive: (nods) Luna is in a better state than me, she explained everything to me (sighs) We've lost people, Lloyd… 
-Lloyd: I know (looks down) 
-Clive: But it was worth it (smiles) We are finally free, you guided us toward victory. You gave our descendants a peaceful future, thank you. 
-Lloyd: Please don't thank me, you are the ones who made this possible (chuckles) 
-Clive: So… Now that you helped us, you'll do that thing to finally be free, right? 
-Lloyd: (nods) I need to find Yuna, we have to do a ritual together… However, there's something that I want to do first (smiles) 
-Clive: What is it?
-Lloyd: I want to give a last gift to all of those people who helped (smiles and gets out of bed) 
-Doctor: Lloyd! 
-Lloyd: I'm okay already, all I needed was to rest (chuckles) 
-Clive: Lloyd! (chases you) What are you doing? 
-Lloyd: (using his crafting powers creates a sculpture) This is for all of you (smiles) We'll honour all and each of the people who participated in this fight, and also, it'll represent the day that we got free. 
-Clive: That's actually nice (smiles) 
-Lloyd: I want you to bring it to Hellmond once I leave this world… This sculpture belongs to that place. 
-Clive: Don't worry, I'll accomplish your wish, my friend (smiles) 

While the rest of our allies remained resting and recording from the war, I headed to ITZY's dorm. I need to tell Yuna that we won, and also I need to ask her to help me with the ritual. 

-Lloyd: Yuna! (runs towards her) 
-Yuna: Lloyd! (smiles and hugs him) What are you doing here? My members could see you and that would be trouble-
-Lloyd: (holding her hands) We won, Yuna. I defeated the church. We are finally free (smiles) 
-Yuna: And you are still here?! I thought you would die… (sighs) It's a relief, I was regretting some things… 
-Lloyd: What were you regretting? (smirks) 
-Yuna: Nothing, nothing… (embarrassed) 
-Lloyd: But you are right tho, in order to free me from the curse, I need to do a ritual with you in… Transylvania. 
-Yuna: What?! 
-Lloyd: My first lover's grave is there, and it has to be done there… So,uh… Could you come with me? (smiles) 
-Yuna: That's going to be difficult, I mean I'm an idol and I can't leave the group so suddenly… 
-Lloyd: Yuna please, I need you right now, I need you to come with me. Please, it's the last thing that we'll ever do together. A last love act (smiles) 
-Yuna: (embarrassed) If you say it like that… I can't refuse. And stop doing that puppy face! (chuckles)
-Lloyd: Thank you! Thank you! (hugs her lifting her up) 
-Ryujin: So… You are the famous Lloyd, huh? (smirks) 
-Lloyd: Uh… (puts Yuna down) 
-Yuna: Don't be shy, they are my members, they are like my sister, so I guess that you would had met them sooner or later (smiles)
-Lloyd: I guess… My name is Lloyd Bishop, nice to meet you (bows) 
-Ryujin: (smiles and starts telling) Everyone! Yuna's boyfriend is here! 
-Lloyd: (blushes) 
-Yuna: H-He's not my boyfriend! We are not official yet… (face palms and looks at you) 
-Yeji: Tell him to enter! We have to judge whether he's a nice suitor for Yuna or not. 
-Chaeryeong: That's right! If he wants to go out with her, he needs to pass through us first (chuckles) 
-Lloyd: (chuckles) Can I come in, then? 
-Yuna: Eh? Of course, let's go inside (smiles) 


I'm a little bit astonished, it's not only by the fact that he has finally accomplished his goal. But also because it's the first time that I see him like this. 

I remember when we first met, those sad eyes… He used to be someone really dark and calmed, at least that was his appearance. However, right now he looks like someone really bright while talking with my unnies. 

I would die to see him like this for an eternity, but he's this happy because he'll finally rest, and I can't steal his happiness. That's the real reason why I'll travel to Transylvania and do that ritual with him.

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