Chapter 1~Marry?!? Who?!?

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"Um, Cameron hun, can me and your father speak with you?" My Mom called.

"Ya sure." I called back running down to the living room.

"Dear have a seat please." My Dad said.

"Um ok?" I said brushing my skirt out from behind me and sitting in the lounge chair.

"Well, you know how your father and the Johnsons are great friends?" My Mom asked.

"No, but go on." I answered. She nodded and continued.

"Well they are, you see their son has been, acting up lately. We got together for lunch and came up with a fantastic idea." My Mom said clapping her hands together.

"And this involves me how?" I asked. My parents looked at eachother.

"You two are......getting married!" My Dad said hapily.

"What?!?" I screamed standing up. My Mom just nodded.

"Its for the better." My Mom said calmly.

"For who exactly?" I said narrowing my eyes.

"For Cole." My Dad said. I groaned and stomped up the stairs.

Marrying Cole Johnson? The badboy? Dear God help me! I picked up my phone and called my best friend Phila.

"Phila, we have a problem." I said right when she picked up.

"Treehouse problem or phone prooblem." She asked. You see we have a treehouse, anytime theres a big problem we meet in the treehouse.

"Definatly." I said.

"Ok, meet ya there soon." She said and hung up.

I sat in the treehouse waiting for Phila. I had been waiting for fifteen minutes until I saw brown hair fly up then go back down with an oof. I giggled looking down the latter at the brunette laying in the grass looking up at me.

"Hi!" Phila said waving. I rolled my eyes.

"Hurry up clutz!" I said sticking my head back in the treehouse. You see Phila was known for her clumsiness. It was quite funny.

"OK I'm he-woah" she said almost falling out but I caught her arm first and pulled her in. "Alright what's so important that we needed the treehouse?"

"You know Cole Johnson?" I asked.

"Ya....oh my god! Did he do something to you? I'll kill him!" She yelled.

"No, no, nothing like that." I answered.

"Then what?" She asked.

"My parents are making" I stuttered.

"Making you what?" She was obviously impatient.

"Making me, well I guess us, get married." I whispered but she heard me.

"What?!? I'll kill them!! Does he know?" She asked, fuming.

"I don-" I was cut off by my phone buzzing.


Hi hun,

we are having the Johnsons over for dinner. Cole doesn't know yet he's gonna find out at the dinner, he's bringing his friends so I suppose you can bring Phila. Love ya!

Well that answers that!

"Nope! He's finding out at dinner tonight, he's bringing his friends so you can come over to." I sighed.

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