God? Is That You?

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Chapter 5

Emma's POV

'Oh Emma your so pretty.' Harry said, wrapping his arms around my waist.

'Awh Harry...I'm just...yeah I know.' He chuckled, pulling our body's closer.

'I like you Emma.' A smile tugged on my lips as he pressed ours together, sparks flying everywhere. Well not everywhere, they were in my head. Our lips moved in sync as he lifted me up and-'

"Emma, Emma wake up." A deep raspy voice said from above me. My eyes fluttered open to reveal someone's shirt? Did the shirt just talk? Is this another dream?

"God? Is that you?" I asked, unconvinced it was the shirt talking. Suddenly it started vibrating and I looked up to find Harry staring down at me, smirk on his lips.

"Have a nice dream?" He said, like he knew something. Hm, he's a suspicious boy.

"Uh yeah. It had um, gummy bears in it?" I lied, lifting my head off his chest.

"That's funny because the whole time you were mumbling my name." He smirked. What is up with this boy and smirking? Still, I blushed at the fact that my amazing dream was about Harry.

"Oh your probably just making that up Styles." I said.

"Well actually you were moaning while saying Harry. What was exactly happening EmmaBoo?" He winked, nudging me slightly.

"Hey look at the time! Better get going Harry, you know, duty calls!" I exclaimed, pushing him off my bed.

"Duty like dancing like a maniac to our songs?"

"You peeker!"

"Hey I could hear your music from downstairs!" He retaliated, grinning at me.

"Whatever Hazza. It was nice hanging out with you. See you soon?"

"Tomorrow actually. I want you to meet the lads finally."

OHMYGERD! MEET ALL OF THE SEX GODS KNOWN AS ONE DIRECTION I CAN'T EVEN, OKAY! Okay yes I can. Liz would never take me to meet them so this is a start!

I squealed, jumping up and down like an obsessed fangirl until I noticed Harry looking at me with an amused face.

"Just remember that your mine." He whispered, picking up his DVDs and leaving me to gape. I'm his? Does that mean my parents sold me to him? I wouldn't be surprised if they did, but Josh wouldn't let that happen, would he?

Okay snap out of it Emma. You were not sold to Harry Styles.


"Another wasted day at school." Liz said, leaning on the locker next to mine again.

"They should pay us to go to school."

"No they should pay us for being alive." Liz said as we burst into a fit of giggles.

"So you wanna hang out tomorrow? I can't tonight because my mom wants me to watch some sappy old movie with her." Liz said, gagging at the idea.

"Sure we can hang out tomorrow. We need a catch up day!" I cheered, hugging her before she went on her way. I made my way down the street, randomly dancing to Gagnam Style playing in my head.

Suddenly a car pulled up next to me and I freaked out.

"EmmaBoo?" A strangely familiar voice snickered, rolling down the tinted window.

"HAZZA!" I cheered, running up to the window.

"I was about to come over to your house but I guess you couldn't wait to see me huh?" He smirked.

"Shut up curly."

"Whatever you say. You coming?" I nodded and got in the passenger side, buckling up the seatbelt.

"Okay whatever you do Emma, do not freak out." I said to myself.

"Em are you okay?"

"Emma, calm yourself. Oh god your so good looking Emma." I complimented myself, watching as Harry laughed and turned on the radio.

'Shine Bright like a diamond.'

"No Emma, stop." I scolded myself, hoping to avoid what was about to happen.

"EmmaBoo, your scaring me." Harry chuckled.

"No Emma st- TOO LATE! SHINE BRIGHT! TONIGHT! YOU AND I! WE'RE BEAUTIFUL, LIKE DIAMONDS IN THE SKY!" I sang, flailing my arms all over the place.

"Sorry I couldn't hold it in." I said once the song was over.

"Well you sing decent." He chuckled, pulling up in front of a building.

"Decent? I sing like you do." I smirked, stepping out of his car.

"Okay, whatever EmmaBoo. Lets go meet the lads."


"Guys, this is Emma, my cousins best friend." Harry said as I approached the 4 hottest boys in the world.

"SO SHES WHY YOU PAY NO ATTENTION TO ME ANYMORE! HAZZABEAR I'M HURT!" Louis yelled, holding a hand to his heart. I couldn't help but let a giggle escape my mouth as he fake sobbed.

"Nice to meet you Emma." Liam said, engulfing me in a hug.

"I just hugged Liam." I whispered to myself, hoping no one heard. The rest of the boys did the same, hugging me and introducing themselves. Which I needed no assistance in. Cause I'm sidekickkkkk

"So Emma, did you like the guys?" Harry said as he drove me home.

"Meep." I squealed, jumping up and down in my seat.

"I'll take that as a yes." He chuckled. Finally we pulled up to my house and Harry got out, opening up my door for me.

"Thanks Harry." I said, hugging him quickly.

"Anytime love. I'll text you tomorrow sometime. Bye?" I nodded and smiled at him briefly before turning towards my door.

"Emma?" He called. I spun around only to be greeted by his lips pressed to mine. As soon as it happened it was gone. He waved at me before getting in his car and driving off.

I know it's stupid but right then and there I screamed. I heard a rustling sound from somewhere around me and quickly ran inside, hoping no one saw me.

I am a ninja so of course nobody saw me. Potato ninja....

A/N Short, I know! But the next chapter is going to have drama in it I promise!

~Amanda xx

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