It's One Of Those 6 Syllable Rhyme Things!

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Heey guys! Pic on the side of what Emma wore. Sorry if its kinda blurry my computer was being really stupid and fucked up. But you can kinda see it. Probably wanna check it out before you read the chapter. Or don't, I ain't yo daddy.

Anyway, hope you like this chapter! Took me a while to write. Goal for the next chapter is 700K reads and 12K Votes! I know you guys can do it, you did it last time!

Dedication for this chapter goes to: directioner2306 for her awesome comment that did make me laugh!

I also inserted a bit of Fili, Liberty and Charlotte into this one so hope you girls enjoy it!

Comment, Vote and Fan!

~Amanda xx

Chapter 32

Emma's POV

"Oh my gosh that would look so good on you!" My cousin, Fili, exclaimed, running into Forever 21 while pointing her finger at something. She had just come in town for my birthday-which was today might I add-and for about 2 hours so far kept telling me which outfit would look 'amazayn' on me and which one would make me look like a slut.

Liberty, Liam's girlfriend who I had just recently met, had tagged along with us and Niall still forbid me to meet his 'soulmate' Charlotte. Something about chasing her off. I mean what the hell? There's nothing wrong with me.

Liz was at her house with Liam, Leo, and Louis setting up for my surprise birthday party tonight. They kept arguing with me saying it wasn't going to be a surprise if I knew about it, but I diminished their questions with a simple shut the hell up and make me cake.

As for Harry he's been doing amazing! I literally almost fainted when he said he remembered, but instead we just kissed until we couldn't breath anymore; which might've actually led to fainting now that I think about it.

"She's mental," Liberty laughed, chasing after my crazy cousin who was beckoning me to come and look at the item in her hands. My lips curved upward into a smile as I scanned up and down the dress before nodding my head in approval. This time Fili had actually gotten it right. The dress was perfect. It would totally impress tonight.

"Whoa look at the price though!" I groaned, looking at the small tag hanging down from the side of the dress.

"Girl, Harry gave you his freaking credit card. We could buy this whole mall if we wanted to!" Fili said, causing both Liberty and I to laugh.

"Yeah but I don't want to use it. It's his money he earned from all his hard wor- nah I'm just kidding lets get this and those shoes."

I really care about my boyfriend.


After a bit more shopping and spending money Liberty, Fili, and I decided it was time to go get our hair done with Liz who left all the remaining work for the boys.

By the time we arrived at the hair salon I was beyond excited for my party and was bouncing off the walls, similar to how I was when Louis hyped me up on candy and energy drinks. My hands were shaking and I could barely sit still in the car for more than 2 minutes.

"Em, calm the fudge down!" Fili instructed, trying to hold back a smile.

"Did you just say fudge? Oh that reminds me, I want fudge at my birthday party! Good idea my dear cousin Filippa! Where would I be without you?"

"You'd probably be jumping out the window into a ditch," she stated blankly while Liberty burst out laughing.

"Hey you know what rhymes with ditch?" Liberty questioned.



"Abercrombie and Fitch?"

"Really Fili? Really. Since when does Abercrombie and Fitch rhyme with ditch?"

"It's one of those like 6 syllable rhyme things!"

"No one knows about 6 syllable rhymes!"

"Jesus woman you act like you're my wife!"

And they say I'm the crazy one.

"C'mon losers lets go get our hair done," I spoke, rolling my eyes as I got out of the back of Liberty's car. Yeah, even though I'm the birthday girl they still made me sit in the back of the car! I guess it was because I'm the youngest. And the most beautiful.



"I haven't seen you in forever!"

"I know I missed you!"

Yup you heard it here folks. The Emma and Liz greeting. Don't bother trying to steal it I've already got a Patent on it. It cost me 2£ but I ain't even mad.

Liz and I gave each other our usual best friend hug before we were ushered to our seats for our hair appointment.

"You have lovely hair," the beautician complimented, holding up a few strands to look at.

"Thank you," I smiled, enjoying the praise. I mean first I get the boys to clap for me and now people are giving me random compliments. Not only do I feel awesome, but now I know I'm awesome. Things couldn't get any better.

But actually I was wrong. Things can get better.

When we pulled up to Liz's house cars were lined up on the sides of the streets and people were going through the gate to the back yard where her amazing pool was. My bathing suit was hidden under my beautiful dress that I had put on before we got here and I had my phone stashed in Liberty's purse, not wanting my baby to even be touched by something that could harm it.

I care about my phone more than I cared about myself. And I care about myself a lot so that's saying something.

"I'm guessing we're fashionably lat-"

"Oh my god I think that's Niall's girlfriend! I'm going to meet her!" I yelled, interrupting Fili. My feet landed on the ground with a thud as I jumped out of the car and sprinted for the brunette standing under Niall's arm. When he saw me coming his eyes widened and he immediately tried to lead the girl towards the food table. Silly boy, he knows he can't escape me.

"Hi, I'm Emma! You must be Charlotte. I try to get Niall to talk about you a lot but he didn't want me to meet you," I greeted, embracing Charlotte in a hug.

"Oh hi! Niall told me you'd be a little overwhelming but he lied. You seem really awesome! And happy birthday by the way!"

I like this girl.

"Thank you! Niall, leave us alone, we're going to bond."


"No buts. Go."

"Fine, I'll just go tell Harry what I saw you doing yesterday," he taunted while walking away making my face turn red.

"You better not Horan! I'm warning you!"

"He won't if he knows what's best for him," Charlotte giggled as she took my wrist and pulled me along.

"So tell me, how was it to date someone who had amnesia?"

"It was depressing for a while but then everything went back to normal when he remembered. Girl, when he told me he could remember everything I literally almost went into cardiac arrest."

She laughed, "Well I hope nothing happens for Niall and I. I'm really happy with him."

"How'd you two meet?"

"Well, I was walking down the street texting my friend when he runs into me and gets ketchup from his hot dog all over me. I didn't know it was Niall Horan at first so I flipped out on the guy but when I looked up into his eyes, it was like this connection you know?"

"Aw that's so cute. Oh my god Liberty told me how her and Liam met. It was hilarious, apparently she kicked a football and it hit him in the head. He was unconscious for like 5 minutes and she was freaking out saying she killed Liam Payne. Then she tried mouth to mouth resuscitation and get this, he woke up in the middle of it! Oh god I couldn't stop laughing when she told m-"

"Emma," a familiar voice interrupted, causing me to look away from Charlotte. My eyes widened as I saw my mother standing in front of me, a guilty smile on her face. "Can I please speak with you?"

My head involuntarily nodded, and I sent Charlotte a small smile before following my mum-if I could even call her that-towards the far side of Liz's backyard where no one was.

"What do you want?" I snarled, my tone harsh and unwelcoming.

"Emma, I came to apologise. I remembered it was your birthday today and I just couldn't help but think how I went wrong as a parent. I should've paid attention to you more, so should your father, but we didn't. And I'm so sorry. You don't have to forgive me, I know I was wrong, but I just though you might have it in your heart to let us start over?" By the time she finished her speech, tears were leaking out of her eyes and some of her perfectly applied mascara was running down her cheeks.

Just being in the situation and seeing my own mother cry made my heart break. I know that she was entirely wrong but I couldn't help but know the right thing to do was forgive her. So I did.

"I forgive you mum. Even though you were wrong, I still forgive you." She smiled gratefully and pulled me into a bone crushing hug while my arms hung loosely by my sides. Eventually I wrapped my arms around her too and patting her back in a comforting way.

"Why didn't dad come?"

"He didn't really see things the way I did unfortunately, and just wanted to call Josh instead. But don't worry honey, I'll talk to him."

"Don't. It's okay. Let me just enjoy my birthday party please?"

"I'll be home if you need me. This isn't my kind of place. Love you honey." She kissed my cheek lightly before heading out the gate and walking across the yard to the place I could call home again.

"I haven't seen you all day and you still didn't come looking for me. I'm hurt," a husky voice whispered in my ear, wrapping his tones arms around my waist. I spun around in his arms and pecked his cheek, a smile instantly appearing on my face.

"Happy birthday baby," he grinned, setting a small box in my hand.

"Haz, you aren't supposed to give me my present until later!" I giggled, but the curiosity got the best of me and I had to open the box. Inside was a cute ring with a small diamond on it that actually looked to be real.

"Don't worry, I'm not asking you to marry me. It's a promise ring. Like, I promise we'll be together forever and ever and then some."

My heart just literally exploded. That was so sweet. It made me think about my future with Harry. Whatever happens, I know that I'll always love him, and I don't know if I'll be able to stop.

"You're the best. I love you so much," I murmured, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Harry smirked, "I love you too. But, you're about to hate me." He spoke, sticking his index finger on the inside of my dress. I looked at him confused but next thing I knew he pulled my dress over my head and hurled me over his shoulder. All of a sudden water surrounded me and I no longer could breath in oxygen.

As soon as I reached the surface of the pool I spit out the water that had went into my mouth and frowned. Harry stood on the edge-far enough away that I couldn't pull him in myself-with the ring he gave me in his hand and laughter coming out of his mouth.

"I'm glad this didn't get wet! It cost me a fortune!" He managed to say in between fits of laughter. Looking around everyone was laughing at me, only causing my cheeks to flush.

"You are such a bastard," I pouted, ringing out my hair while also getting out of the pool.

"Hey, would it help if I told you-you look sexy in that bikini?"

I sighed, "A little."

"Well Happy Birthday Baby!"

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