The Magical Stylings Of Harry Styles! Ladies And Gentlemen!

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Chapter 25

Emma's POV

"Get up!" How could two words (repeated a couple of times), irritate the heck out of me,

But at the same time, how could it be like music to my ears? Wow my brain is confusing in the morning,

Wait what was I thinking about?

Ugh, I just want to go back to sleep!

"GET UP!" The mystery voice shouted

"Please leave me alone unless you're comfortable with sleeping with one eye open tonight." I replied, recieving a chuckle in response.

"Really you don't want to spend my last day with me?" The deep voice drawled on...

HOLD ON! Last day...HARRY!

Shooting up in bed, I look around the room, to see Harry standing with a smile on his face,

"I'm ready! I'm ready what are we doing?" I asked rubbing the sleep away from my eyes,

"Well after you get ready," he shot me an amused look, "We can go to the park, and have a nice little picnic? That sound good? And all the boys can come along too, so you get to spend time with them before we um..." He stopped his gaze dropping to the floor,

"...Have to go," he said his eyes meeting mine, but this time a pained look filled them,

"Hey! Look, Don't be all depressed on your last day! I want to remember you happy, so come on! Lets spend this day to the best?" I say this looking him straight in the eye, as a smile stretched across his face.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, let's do it! I'll go call the boys, meet us in the living room in ten minutes and we'll go to the store to buy some food for the picnic!" He made his way out the door, so I shot out of bed and made my way to my closet.

Ugh, I am not ready to let all this go!

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