The First Surf

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The camp counselors have us sit on the grass while they explain the rules and expectations of surf lessons. I'm having a hard time paying attention, and my eyes feel heavy. Rylie leans over to whisper to me, causing me to jump a little.

"Sorry! I'm so tired all of the sudden!" I whisper to her.

"I can tell! I was going to tell you the same thing. Boogie Board Wars wear you out pretty bad the first few times."

We earn a stern look from a counselor and stop talking. Rylie gives me a smile, causing my heart to beat a little bit faster. I'm aware of how close we're sitting, and have to keep myself from scooting closer.

I don't know why I am feeling all of this so strongly for Rylie. It's never been like this. There was definitely an instant connection with her. Things just feel... different with her. And I'm not sure if that's a good thing.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts as everyone stands. We're instructed to grab surfboards and make our way to the beach to begin stretches.

We split into three age groups, 8-10 year olds, 12-14 year olds, and 15-18 year olds. Once in our groups, we get into a circle for stretching.

Jeremy makes a show of stretching as dramatically as possible, even getting our four counselors to laugh.

"Alright! I know most of y'all have been here before, or at least know how to surf. Today is all about learning to get on the board. We're definitely having all the younger age groups start out on the sand, but I trust I'd get some heat if I made you do that. So, humor me and do some in the water for 30 minutes, and then I'll let the rest of the time be whatever you'd like."

Everyone nods, seeming to like that plan, but I don't quite understand why. Rylie seems to sense my confusion.

"They have to pass everyone off for certain lessons, but they know we're all sick of this first one. So as long as they see us get up a few times, they'll pass this one off. The younger kids don't get off as easily though. They'll spend half of today's lesson practicing getting up on a board on the sand, and the other half in the water with an instructor."

We glance over in their direction and see them getting to work.

Rylie and I pick up our boards and run into the water after the rest of our group. We talk with the others, getting to know some of the other kids in our group. I notice this kid around my age hanging out at the edge of the group. He paddles over as we make eye contact, and I smile as he nears me.

"Hey, I'm Noah. What's your name?"

"I'm Aspen, nice to meet you!" He smiles and reaches out for a handshake.

He's cute. Definitely a local with that tan.

We make small talk, and I'm really enjoying talking to him. The conversation flows easily too. I find out he's from Ocean Isle and it's his fourth year.

"So, you're 17 but it's your first year here?"

I know his question is innocent, but I don't want to get into it. At all.

"Yeah, I didn't really need surfing lessons growing up, I guess I don't really need them now... It's a long story." I say, trying to brush it off.

"No worries! Another time. So, just how good at surfing are you?" He says in a challenging tone. I smile and slip onto my stomach, paddling fast as I see a wave approaching. He sees it too and starts paddling, trying to catch it before me. I catch the wave and ride it, laughing as I see Noah's face

My laugh dies out as I see Rylie not too far away, with a completely different look on her face. I question if it's jealousy, but it disappears too quickly for me to determine.

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