The Quiet Ocean

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My eyes snap open and move to glance at the clock.

5:00 am.

I groan internally. Sleep didn't come easily last night, but there was no point in trying to fall back asleep now.

Maybe I can actually catch the sunrise...

I grab my phone, and look up what time sunrise is, and see there is still about an hour.

My fingers hover over the Instagram button for a minute before pushing it, hoping to get some news from back home. I scroll for a few minutes, only seeing the usual summer posts: vacation, parties, and living the dream.

I freeze as I see the next post.


She's sitting on Jack's shoulders while he stands waist deep in the water. The location catches my eye next.

Of course they're at Wrightsville Beach. Right next to Topsail.

I can't help but notice the way Jack's hands are resting on her thighs. And the way she's smiling.

She doesn't miss me at all.

So many emotions bubble up inside of me in that moment, and I angrily swipe at the tears that made it down my cheeks. I shut off my phone and throw it on the bed before quickly standing to get ready for the morning. Thinking is not something I want to do this morning, and photography is my one escape from that. Once my camera bag is packed, I quietly sneak out the door, turning back once to make sure none of the other girls are awake.

As I step onto the deck, the silence of the camp greets me. The morning is calm and refreshing as my feet carry me towards the beach. The sun is slowly rising, and I instantly see the perfect spot a ways away.

I walk across the sand enjoying the quiet, and grab my tripod and camera, switching lenses in hopes of catching the shot in my mind.

There are 7 old wooden posts sticking out of the water that I aim at. I set my stuff up quickly and adjust my camera settings.

Thank God I found this spot. I should have the sunrise right behind the posts...

Right as I have the thought, the sun makes its appearance, pink and purple rays and streaks begin to fill the sky. I start taking pictures then, my shutter filling the silence.

I adjust my lens to focus on the posts, and at that exact moment, a bird lands on one of the left posts. A gasp slips from my mouth, but I quickly gather myself and focus back on my camera. I'm too focused on getting the shot, that I don't notice someone come up behind me.

The sun continues rising, and the color eventually fades away. I stop taking pictures, and jump as I hear the voice behind me.

"You sure do have an ability with that camera that many people would kill for." I whip around, seeing an older gentleman standing behind me.

"Thank you." I say, blushing. He smiles gently at me.

"I didn't mean to startle you. I thought for sure you heard me approach." He's got a wooden cane with him that I didn't notice at first. "How long have you been taking pictures like that?"

"Oh, not long. I mean, I've been taking pictures for years, but I didn't get many good ones until recently."

"I doubt that. Watching you just now, there is no doubt in my mind that you've created many works of art with the eye you have."

I like this guy.

He smiles at me again and invites me to sit with him on a blanket he has tucked under his arm.

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