The Inlet

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Trigger Warning: Brief talk of self harm. Mentions scars.

I never liked Sunday's back home. Mom had us go to church every week. She said it was so we could listen to the sermons and to help us get closer to God, but I think she was mostly hoping I'd find a nice, young Christian boy to date.

Funny how that turned out.

I'm sitting next to Rylie in one of the back pews in the local chapel. As hard as I am trying to pay attention, I can't. My hands are restless in my lap and I'm wishing I had at least brought a pen and paper.

I glance around, seeing that everyone else is wrapped up in what the pastor is saying. Glancing at the clock, I breathe out a sigh of relief when I notice we only have ten minutes left.

I try to listen to the pastor as he rambles on about cleansing ourselves for the remaining time. As soon as he finishes, I'm out of my seat and heading towards the door.

Stepping outside, I take a deep breath, letting the salty air fill my lungs.

I move to stand in the shade of a tree, watching people emerge from the church. As I begin to wonder where Rylie is, I see her walking out the door, talking with the Pastor. Their conversation seems light and energetic, and they both have big smiles on their faces.

After several minutes, she breaks away after giving the man a hug. I try not to notice that he seems too young to be a Pastor. I realize that I've got a scowl on my face and quickly put a smile in its place as Rylie makes her way over to me.

"You okay? You ran out of there like you realized you left the oven on." I consider making something up to get off the subject, but decide to go with the truth. Mostly.

"Yeah, I just don't do well in church. I'm fine with devotionals, and even bible study! But church isn't my thing." Rylie nods, but I can tell she has questions. I try to change the subject. "You and the Pastor seem to know each other?"

"Yeah! He was my brother's best friend growing up, believe it or not! I haven't seen him in a little over five years, and I'm surprised he remembered me. I know what you're thinking though, he is really young to be a pastor, but it's all he ever wanted to do." Rylie shakes her head. "I'm sure all the girls are already falling in love." We both turned in his direction, and sure enough, a small crowd of girls had crowded around him. "Heaven knows all my friends growing up were the same way." Rylie says this under her breath, and I turn to her with a questioning look.

Rylie looks surprised, as though she hadn't meant to say that out loud. Sydnee, Alyssa and Austin walk over to us, and Rylie drops the conversation.

"Hey guys! What's the plan for after lunch?" Rylie asks them.

"We don't know yet, but Jeremy probably has a plan. He told us to meet in the garage, and we were on our way there now. Wanna come?" Austin asks, and Rylie and I nod. Rylie sends a small wave in Young Pastors direction, and I feel the scowl creeping back on my face.

Wow Aspen, really? You're jealous of a pastor.

Rylie gives me a curious look, before following the other three back towards camp. I shake my head, hoping to clear it during the five minute walk.

When we reach the garage and walk inside, only Jeremy and Ava are there. On the couch. Really close together. They jump apart as we step in, both of their faces reddening.

"Hey man! Fancy seeing you here, skipping lunch!" Austin says, sitting right beside Jeremy.

"Austin." Jeremy says through gritted teeth. "I thought you were going to eat lunch before coming here." He gestures to our trays of food. Austin has a grin on his face, and I instantly get it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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