The Comps

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The rest of the week flies by, and before I know it, it's Saturday. We spent most of our surf lessons working on form and technique. The counselors seemed to really be pushing us this week, and I assumed it was due to the competition we had today. But I don't know if I would really call it a competition.

"It's the first meet with a few of the other surf camps, and they're basically giving the counselors a chance to get together while seeing where the surfers are at." Is what Rylie told me last night after bible study.

Today we would travel to Ocean Isle for the comp. It's about an hour and 40 minute drive, but I was looking forward to it.

I spent the morning packing for what I'd need, and then zipped up my duffle, heading down to the dining hall for breakfast. As I walk in, a counselor hands me a bag of snacks for the day that I quickly stick in my bag before grabbing my food.

Everyone else Is at the table, and I sit in the open chair next to Jeremy.

Things with Rylie had been really good this week, and I feel like I found a happy medium with my feelings for her. Or, as happy as can be. I knew they were there, and they were still growing which scared me, but I felt better letting them be rather than shoving them down.

Everyday we got closer, but there was still so much I didn't know about her. She was really closed off when it came to her personal life.

Then again, so am I.

"You ready for today?" I ask Jeremy as we finish up eating.

"Oh yeah. Even though the scores will mean next to nothing today, I'm excited to show up my buddies from the other camps."

"You just know people everywhere, don't you?" Derek hears this and laughs, joining in on the conversation, putting his hand on Jeremy's shoulder.

"Believe me, Jeremy knows everyone there is to know when it comes to surf camps. Perks of being here eight years." He finishes, shaking his head.

"There are some perks for sure, and that's one of them! That's one of my favorite things, getting to know all the cool surfers out there my age."

"It sounds like you're pretty famous around here! I guess I joined the right crowd!" I say with a wink to Jeremy." He laughs as he responds.

"I'm no Sawyer Hart, that's for sure. It's my dream to meet him, or even his sister Jensen! I'm so mad I missed them the year they came to this camp."

I freeze instantly, waiting for him or Derek to realize what name Jeremy just said.

Sawyer and Jensen Hart. My cousins.

I had grown up with Sawyer, Jensen and several other older cousins teaching me to surf the way they surfed. And it meant living in their shadow for years. I didn't want my new friends to know that we were related, not yet. I wanted them to know the real me before that came out. Which I'm sure it would at some point.

Derek and Jeremy don't seem to realize the connection between me and my cousins, despite the last name being spoken out in the open.

Come to think of it, I'm not sure they really know my last name...

I let out a sigh of relief when they don't bring it up again. We gather our stuff, ready to head out to the buses.

Rylie comes up beside me as I near our bus.

"Sit with me?" She asks, looping her arm through mine. I nod, smiling, and the rest of the group joins us. We walk towards the farthest of the five buses, and Rylie tells me it's because the younger kids always go for the closest ones.

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