Chapter 4: Plans in motion

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"What's got you stressed baby?".

I was so fucking full of rage that I contacted the last person I wanted to see.


Leaning back into my leather chair with a cigarette hanging from my lips, I glared at Ruby as she rubbed her thumbs over my eyebrows. My eyes lingered between her eyes and her raunchy mini skirt that was riding up as she sat on the edge of my desk.

"People" I replied bluntly whilst taking another drag of my cigarette.

Ruby giggled as she pushed herself off the desk and slid onto my lap running her long fingers through my hair.

"Forget about them baby, you have me" she whispered before leaning in to press her lips against my neck.

Letting her do her job in pleasing me, she let her hands roam around my chest before reaching for my dick.

"Let me make you feel better" she purred against my neck and went again to work only to groan as the door to my office slammed open.

"Ugh, who let the walking STD in" Rob scoffed before sitting down in a chair to the opposite side.

"Fuck you Rob" she spat as she flipped him off.

Giving Ruby a sympathetic look, I watched as Rob pulled Ruby off me and yanked her across the desk by her neck.

"The fuck did you say to me?" he yelled out as he held his gun against her cheek.

Ruby knew what happened to people to who spoke back to Rob, she asked for it the moment she talked back to him and I was not getting involved.

Ruby opened her mouth to speak but closed it as Rob looked down and smirked at her.

"That's what I thought bitch. Now get lost" he shouted at her before slapping his hand across her face.

Ruby looked at me with hurt as if I had betrayed her, but she knew how I treated women. She knew I'd never say anything.

"That bad eh?" he laughed as he grabbed my personal bottle of scotch and poured himself a glass.

"If you've come to give me a hard time, go bother someone else. I have a headache".

Turning my attention to my computer, I opened up my emails ready to make some deals and arrangements to rid of Henry's warehouses and men. Thankfully instead of some snarky remark, Rob poured scotch into another glass and pushed it forwards.

"Just answer me this, am I expecting to have to shoot some police officers in due time?".

Grabbing the glass and knocking the liquid back in one gulp, I shoved it back to Rob watching him smirk as he refilled it without me asking him to.

"No. She had only just dialled the number by the time I got there".

Knocking back the refilled glass, I turned my attention to the initial contract Henry had composed. Funny how things ended up.

"So when are you killing her? You going to fuck her first then shoot her and dump her body. I think you should let me have a go on her then rid her. Besides, her daddy said she was a virgin and"-

Grabbing the glass, I launched it directly at Rob in hopes of knocking some sense into him, but the fucker dodged it immaculately.

"You fucking drunk after 2 drinks?" he yelled out.

"No-one is fucking her. Nor will anyone kill her. She's innocent" I muttered out with my focus on the contract and not on Rob who I could tell was glaring at me.

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