Chapter 5: Answers

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"Your incessant begging is giving me a headache old man. I told you what would happen if you screw me around. I gave you a week's extension and you still don't have my money".

Picking up my knife, I held the blade on the desk before twirling it round on the beautiful wood.

"Your pleads for mercy have no effect on me. Tell your wife I said hi".

Hanging up on the call abruptly, I quickly dialled a number and held the phone to my ear.

"Yes boss?" Frank muttered out over the sound of some poor soul screaming.

"Gregory didn't pay up".

A dark laugh echoed through the phone and I didn't even need to know that he had the most wicked smirk on his face.

"What a shame" he laughed out.

"Take his wife and start with her fingers" I muttered darkly into the phone.

"With pleasure" Frank replied before hanging up on the call.

Leaning back into my armchair, I lifted my head up and blew some smoke up into the air watching as it dissipated into nothing.

As I continued enjoying one of my cigarettes, I began to think back to my stupid ass actually agreeing to trap myself in a marriage all for power. I was right to kill that bastard even if it had consequences. I loved a bloodbath and that's what his little rats would soon get.

But Rob was right. I need to get rid of the girl. I need to speak with her, double check she's not a threat and then send her on her way.

Pushing the cigarette into my crystal bowl. I reluctantly stood up from my chair and grabbed a couple of tools off my desk.

This girl had a fire that had been locked away for some time. But I didn't tolerate a fierce woman, so these tools would be necessary to break her down if need be.

Shoving them into my pocket, I quickly left the comfort of my office and began walking to towards the room where the girl remained prisoner.

Ignoring all the staff as I climbed up the stairs, I pulled out a set of keys from my pocket and inserted one into the lock before pushing the door open with force.

As I stepped in, I instantly looked over at the bed where I last saw her only to see the sheets kicked back.

Just as a wave of anger coursed through my body at her defiance, I looked over to the large window to see the young girl sat on the window seat ledge looking out at the very large garden.

"Planning to escape?".

The girl jumped around, fear tinting in her eyes before scrunching up with only anger.

"Non, j'ai l'intention de te tuer".

(No, I'm planning on killing you)

"You're in England, speak English" I yelled at her, but it only caused her to argue more.

"Va sucer une bite, connasse".

(Go suck a dick, you bitch).

Watching her spit on the floor of my very expensive carpet, I paced over to her and grabbed her up by her throat.

"You have such nerve to disrespect me in my house. Believe it or not sweetheart, I saved your ass from your abusive father and from forcing you into a marriage with a me because I promise you, I have no care in hurting you. Count your blessings because if you were married to me, I'd make your life hell. So start treating me with some respect".

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