Chapter Three

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I apologize for the crappy Chapter Two. I wanted to upload it as fast as I could so you guys wouldn't lose interest lol. And I promise, this chapter goes a little slower. Oh, and some people were saying they couldn't picture Airlia, so I hope throughout this chapter you can picture her.

Enjoy beautifuls!


I woke up at three in the morning and got ready for our trip to Chicago. Oliver's kiss was still fresh in my mind. I hummed a little tune as I packed up my skate gear. Mom was literally yelling at the top of her lungs for me to hurry up.

"You're disturbing the neighbors!" I yelled from up in my room.

"No one can hear me!" She yelled back. I rolled my eyes and thumped down the stairs.

"I'm ready, happy?"

"I'll only be happy once you get first place."

Ugh. That's so like my mom. Only caring for ice-skating, and bringing home the gold. She doesn't get that I'm just fifteen years old, not a freaking Olympic skater. I get what my mom was trying to do, but she needed to back off me just a tad bit.

When we got into to the car, I asked, "Isn't the Oliveri's coming?"

"Yeah..." My mom replied curiously. "Why?"

"Oh I dunno," I fiddled with the straps on my Nike sportsbag. "Just wondering."

Mom nodded as she pulled out of the driveway, smiling to herself. "I thought you like that one boy? What's his name?"


"Yeah him. What happened to him?"

I shrugged. "I dunno. I just loss interest..." I stopped myself, realizing the trap I fell in.

"So you like the Oliveri boy?" Mom spinned around in the driver's seat to face me. "Aww! He's such a handsome young man."

"Mom! Pay attention to the rode!" We were now on the main rode leading to the highway. "I don't want to get killed."

Mom laughed. "Oh I can't wait to tell your father once we meet him at the rink."

That's the last thing I wanted to happen. My dad was an architect, but when you see him, he looks more like he lifted weights for a living. He always seemed to scare off my boy friends, even though I made it clear that I had no interest in making a romantic relationship with them. He even interrogated Addy, who's so obviously gay. My dad's excuse was that Addy could be faking gay just to get close to girls.

I jumped in my seat, realizing that the reason why Lawson pretends to be gay could be because he wanted to get closer to girls! Then I slapped myself for being so foolish. Lawson didn't need to attract a girl's attention by being gay. He could just step into a room, annouce he's single, and girls would immediately flock over him. Besides, didn't he already say the reason why he pretends to be gay is to have a laugh?


We got to the ice rink at record time. The place was already packed with skaters doing warm-ups and coaches and parents shouting encouranging words to their kids. I quickly went into the locker room and changed into my practice clothes. When I saw Adeline skating circles in the middle of the perfectly zambonied ice, I skated over to her. I waved at her, letting her know that I intended to talk to her, but she ignored me. Confused, I skated all over the the rink.

"Wow," someone said behind me. "Keep skating like that and maybe an Olympic speed skater coach will discover you."

I slowed down and look behind me. A pretty girl with dark brown hair and brown eyes skated up next to me. I smiled and said, "It's something I do when I'm nervous. Skating really fast I mean. Actually when I'm nervous, I can't stop bouncing on the wall." To show her what I meant, I bounced on my skates a little.

You Pretend You're Gay... Why?(On Hold-Editing)Where stories live. Discover now