Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own My Hero Academia

'When is mama coming back? I'm cold.' a green eyed child shivered in the spot he'd been left more than 6 hours ago. But night time tends to claim people at some point, and the cold and hunger didn't stop the boy from curling up into the bits of trash and sand around him and falling asleep.

-skip to morning-

The child shivered from the mist that had drifted towards him in the early morning, causing his clothes to dampen and his breath to fog. Eventually, the green eyed kid sat up and rubbed at his face.

Looking around in confusion, he realized that he was still at the 'beach' his mom had told him to wait at. He whimpered softly, and hugged himself in an attempt to remain warm. The growl of his stomach soon stole any other thought however, as he was unaccustomed to ignoring the pains of hunger.

It took quite a while until the kid was able to find what seemed to be the remains of a birthday cake. He was all too lucky that the cake had been sealed tightly rather than left out in the open, otherwise it might have spoiled more than the amount it already had. As it was right now, the cake had bits of fruit that had begun to rot, but the rest of the cake was semi-edible.

But of course, kids can't be expected to know that. Unfortunately, the green eyed child ate one of the moldy strawberries before realizing something was wrong. Quickly spitting out the disgusting fruit, he glanced warily at the rest of the cake before his hunger won out. The next piece was thankfully safe of rotten fruit, and although the top layer of cake probably wasn't the safest thing to eat, it probably wouldn't cause him to get sick.

-time skip a week later-

The green eyed boy was tired, hungry, and cold. 'Why isn't mama back?' he thought sniffing as snot got clogged in his nose. He coughed, a violent hacking shaking his small body.

Despite the impressive efforts the boy had made in making a shelter and finding decent food and water; fall was quickly turning into winter, and the change in temperature and occasional icy rains had taken their toll.

A heap of dirty blankets and rags were covered in the cleanest blanket the boy had been able to find, but the tent he was currently living in was clearly thrown away for a reason, and the torn holes on the side did very little to keep out the cold and relentless rain.

While water was now aplenty, stored in several moderately clean bottles and pots, the lack of food had made itself known. The boy's face, previously rounded by youth, was gaunt and his sickly red nose and feverish eyes stood out like bright smudges on a dull gray canvas.

Without the strength to look for food, the once happy child would quickly die of starvation, if he didn't succumb to disease first, that is.

In the haze of his fever, he had taken to calling out for his mother or for one hero or another, in between bouts of coughing and restless sleep. But nobody answered.

In the early morning drizzle, something changed however. An animal approached his tent, attracted by the whimpers of a weakened creature.

Entering through one of the larger tears in the tent's walls, the animal silently stalked toward its prey and opened its jaws in preparation to strike. Luckily for the boy, at that point he was in a state of semi-lucidity, rather than the suffocating heat of the past two days, and while he was bone-tired, the slightly blurry sight of the wolf's gleaming teeth was enough to activate his flight or fight response. Which it turns out, when you can't move out of the bundle of blankets you're in, limits your options considerably.

The now awake boy, twisted out of the way of the animal's first lunge, and grabbed the closest thing to him. Which just so happened to be a dented metal water bottle that he had filled with rain water.

Wildly swinging with a strength that shouldn't be possible for someone who had a fever and was severely lacking in proper nutrition, the boy landed a sharp blow against the muzzle of the wolf. The wolf whimpered in pain, before growling and turning back to lunge again.

The tired and scared boy swung again, this time incredibly off mark, but luckily the momentum of the swing had pulled his light body out of the way of the next attack.

Brandishing his water bottle again, the tired kid swung at the predator in front of him, slamming the bottle down on its paws as it attempted to claw at him.

The boy's movements became sluggish as he fought to stay alive, crawling to his feet and stumbling away.

He wasn't fast enough this time though, and as he dove out of the way, a burning sensation on his left leg became known. The wolf had successfully clawed at his leg and was now lunging to finish him. In an instinctual movement the boy raised the bottle to block his face, intercepting the growling jaws of the wolf, knocking into its front teeth.

The fight continued in a series of blows like this, the child scrambling away and blocking, while the wolf advanced and attacked. Eventually a wild strike to the wolf's head caused a resounding crack to be heard and the animal slumped forward and stilled. A trickle of warm blood stained the tangled mess of blanket as the boy stumbled out of the tent a couple of steps and threw up, before collapsing as the adrenaline boost left his frail body.

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