Chapter 27

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Disclaimer: I don't own My Hero Academia

Note: I'll have Bakugo switching between Izuku and Izu when saying/thinking Izuku's name because it'll be the nickname he used when they were kids.

Also a Note: "Speaking", 'Thinking', "writing things that other people can read"

Warning: cursing b/c of emotional pomeranian. I will have these ****

Bakugo's POV:

"I'm quirkless."

Those words made my heart, (not in a sappy way f***ers), plummet. I chocked on a breath and tried to swallow the sour taste in my mouth before storming out of the class.

I barely registered where I was going, overwhelmed by memories of the day the bit-, Midoriya Inko, was brought in for questioning when Izu went missing. 

That lousy excuse of a mother had told the police all about her "worthless son" and how "grateful" they should be that she got rid of him. Because he was quirkless. Because this society is sh*t. 

Midoriya was arrested, but the police cared very little about Izuku, and the b**ch refused to tell them what had happened. The investigation lasted a f***ing three days before the police deemed it a "lost cause" and closed the case. The f***ers in charge of the case refused to reopen it and stopped our attempts to contact other members of the police, telling us that they had done everything they could.

I still don't know whether Izu is alive or not, the stupid police never found a body. But now this look-alike shows up who looks and acts painfully like Izuku, and is also quirkless?!

The ba***rd saved me during the entrance exam (-and called my eyes pretty!), then almost had a panic attack over a loud group of kids, but was completely fine when I yelled at him one-on-one. What the hell is up with Okami?! And why does it hurt to f***ing look at him?!

A bell went off marking the beginning of lunch. 

I took a shuddering breath, blinking back tears as I realized I'd somehow ended up in a random hallway. Then released a string of curses as I noticed a purple haired elf-guy peeking at me from his location on a wall.

"What the f**k are you looking at, ha?!" I yelled, quickly wiping away any sign of tears. 

The loser just flinched and turned back to the wall, resting his forehead against it and squeezing his eyes shut. I began to walk away from the weirdo before sighing and realizing I have no idea where I am. The purple haired kid began to tremble as I got closer to him and I rolled my eyes. 

"Hey, Elf-boi, do you know how to get to the cafeteria?" I asked in a quieter voice. Maybe he's like Izu- Okami, and doesn't like loud noises. 

The guy squeaked. He legit squeaked. 

I can understand feeling overwhelmed by crowds, but I was being (at least for me) quiet! And, -urgh, "gentle". Still, I'm hungry, and a squeak isn't a no. 

"Then show me the way, Elf-boi. I'm hungry."

That seemed to do the trick, as the guy left his position at the wall and (-why is this guy looking like I just stole his puppy, it's a wall!!!), began to walk away with his hands in his pockets.

Before long I could hear voices and laughter coming from nearby and eyed Elf-boi as he stiffened. I sighed and rolled my eyes, loser. 

"You don't have to come with me. I can find my way back now." I said while staring at the ground, (why is being nice so hard? Also, why am I being nice???). 

Elf-boi looked as though he was going to take my offer and get the f**k out of here, but nooo, this is a hero school and therefore, Elf-boi has to act all chivalrous and walk me all the way to the cafeteria before he can run away. (I'm not a f***ing princess!) I sighed again as the guy became increasingly jittery the closer we got to the noise.

I turned and yelled at him as he began sweating nervously. "Either stay or leave loser, but don't act like a f***ing wimp! It's a CAFETERIA, you are NOT going to die!"

The loser jumped at the outburst, (-even Okami doesn't do that!), but at least he stopped trembling. 

"I-i just... people."

Oh great the weirdo is talking to me. I glared and faced him, "Are you saying you think that I can't protect you from people, Ha!? You can be scared of the f***ers all you want but not while I'm here." I began stomping away while the Elf-boi blinked and tried to process what I just said. 

Which was good because I was also trying to process what I just said. 'Why the f*** did I just say that? I don't even care if he gets trampled under the crowd of hungry people.' But then I remembered Iz- Okami, who saved me during the entrance exam. 'Oh no. Oh nononono. Okami is making me weak!'

Irritated, I ignored the kid following me like some kind of socially-awkward ghost, and entered the cafeteria. 'F**k it's loud.' My eyes automatically scanned the lunch line for Okami but he wasn't there. 

A quick glance at the farthest corner proved fruitful, however, as both Okami and the weird white and red haired kid were sitting there eyeing the other students like creeps. 

'The noise was probably to much,' I frowned as I noticed neither of them had gotten food, 'how do the f***ers think they're going to eat? Staring at people isn't going to do sh*t.'

I groaned internally, 'why do I suddenly care about strangers???' Nonetheless I stomped over to the duo in the corner and sat down to glare at Okami, "Why aren't you getting food, ha?"

Okami, however, didn't even bother to respond and kept staring behind me for a solid minute before pulling out his notebook. 

"Hello, my name is Okami Ren, what's yours?"

I turned around as the notebook was passed over to someone behind me before jumping slightly at the purple haired boy standing behind me. 'Elf Boi! What the f**k?! How the h*ll did he end up behind me? And why is he still here??'

"I'm Amajiki Tamaki." 

I blinked at the wobbly handwriting on the page and looked up to gauge Okami's reaction, but neither he nor half-and-half looked put off by the short sentence, instead Okami handed the notebook to half-and-half who proceeded to write his own message.

"Todoroki Shoto."

'What. the. f**k. Why are these kids communicating with such short sentences? Seriously, what the h*ll Todoroki, what the h*ll?' 

The three weirdos however, simply continued to converse by passing the notebook amongst each other as I observed the interaction while glaring. 

"How did you meet Bakugo?" (Okami)

"In a hallway." (Amajiki)

"Why did you follow him?" (Todoroki)

"Because he said he'd protect me." (Amajiki)

I did a double take at the last message and it seemed like Todoroki was confused as well, as he shot Amajiki a look that clearly said: 'something is wrong with you'. I agree, when did I ever f***ing say that I was going to do any protecting? Oh wait... Nooooo

My internal horror was interrupted by Okami calmly placing the notebook on the table. "He does give off feelings of saftey."

I blinked, then frowned my usual glare replaced by utter confusion. Todoroki also looked confused as he was now switching between looking at the three of us as though trying to solve a  puzzle. 

"Okami, what the f**k- 

I was interrupted as a loud alarm suddenly began blaring and looked over to the three socially-inept weirdos who stared at me in expectation as the lunch room descended into chaos.


(A/N: Again I'm soorry for not updating! Hope you like this chapter, I'm starting to think that I might want Bakugo to start "collecting" more socially-awkward kids and have him make sure they don't get into trouble.)  

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