Chapter 32

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Disclaimer: I don't own My Hero Academia

Warning: It's a bit gory and there's violence.

3rd Person POV

In the USJ's plaza, Shigaraki watched with glee as Eraserhead took down villain after villain.

Most would think the leader of the League of Villains would be more upset with how quickly the Hero was taking down his canon fodder- but the messy haired man smirked behind the hand on his face- since his costume was mainly comprised of disembodied hands placed upon his upper body.

It would only be a little longer now- he could see it- the Hero was tiring and his quirk was taking more and more time to activate.

"You're really... cool, Eraserhead." the villain's dry lips split as his grin stretched further. "Heh... It's a shame, really."

By now the Pro-Hero had made it to the central plaza where Shigaraki was standing and glared at the leader of the villains. Without responding, Eraserhead lunged forward only to have his punch miss as the villain easily dodged to the side.

"Heh heh... getting tired?" The villain taunted before grabbing the Pro-Hero's arm as he attempted to elbow him in the face.

Glaring behind his goggles, Eraserhead tried to yank his arm away from the villain's tight grip only to freeze as pain pierced up his arm. The Hero gasped in pain and watched in barely concealed horror as his costume crumbled to dust under the villains fingers, followed by his skin.

Gritting his teeth, the teacher tried to activate his quirk but to no avail. Eraserhead's eyes widened as he saw the barely concealed glee held within the villain's eyes.

The villain was right. His quirk was reaching its limit. It wasn't- it wasn't working.

Shigaraki watched as panic grew in the eyes of Eraserhead's impassive face.

'Time to introduce the weapon.'

"Nomu. Attack."

A massive figure barreled through the hero and the teacher gasped in pain as his ribs cracked against the concrete. The monster- for such a creature couldn't have been human, lifted its fists above its head and Eraserhead could only watch as the Nomu struck down.


The Pro-Hero temporarily blacked out as his head struck the pavement. His body felt broken. His body was broken. The hero couldn't open his eyes, he could barely do anything beyond feeling the screaming of his body and- "AIZAWA!!" -oh, someone was screaming his name.

Across the plaza Okami had let out a primal shriek. Eraserhead was... No. No!

The Nomu grabbed the teacher's head and crushed it into the ground, the Hero's yellow goggles breaking underneath him. 

Shigaraki watched in amused disinterest as the white haired boy ran across the plaza. 'Hmm, a low level NPC with a speed quirk. Easy.' The leader of the villains snorted as the tiny hero-wannabe flung himself at the Nomu.

The creature lifted its head, its face somewhat reminiscent to that of a bird (if said bird had an exposed brain and the body of an incredibly muscled body builder) and flung one of its arms into the boy.

The force of the blow sent Okami flying through the air but he quickly righted himself and landed on his feet. Ignoring the throbbing of his bruised- and possibly broken- ribs, the undercover vigilante pulled out two knives and advanced once more, eyes narrowed in anger and wrathful determination. This thing had dared to hurt his da-... his teacher!

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