Chapter 3

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I head over to Herbology, mind still wondering how to get the resurrection stone. Where could it be? I know Harry possessed it at one point, but where did he get it? And how? And why-wait, I know why. Dumbledore gave it to him so he would possess all of the deathly hallows. I'm so deep in thought I almost walk right past greenhouse one. I stop in my tracks and walk into the greenhouse where Professor Longbottom is setting up the lesson. He looks around to see who came in and sees me. "Oh!," he exclaimed. "Hello Teddy. Just wait a moment while I get ready." I head over to my usual seat. I look at my table, trying to find out what the lesson will be. All I find are a bunch of Christmas ornaments. Curious.

As the final students walk in, chatting away, I spot Kaye coming to my table. Oh no. This can't be good. She walks over like nothing happened last night, but after she's settled, she talks to me, in hardly a whisper, "Did you think about what I said yesterday? About the wand?"

"Yes, and I haven't changed my mind."

At this she just rolls her eyes, like I'm just some young child, who has much to learn. Or my mind can be changed like the weather. Like my ideas are nothing. Like- Then Professor Longbottom clapped and said, "Good morning class! Today we are going to be..." as he whisks his wand and uncovers our project for the day. " Decorating the school Christmas Trees!"

This is met with confused murmurs and what seem to be questionings of the professor's authority.

"I know this is quite unusual, but I believe you all deserve a break. Plus, it adds to the Christmas spirit! Now, let's get started."

Each table is assigned a tree to decorate. We are supposed to give it as much spirit as possible, using whatever charms, designs, styles and spells we want. Whoever Professor Longbottom thinks succeeded the most, gets to put the tree in the center of the great hall. Me and Kaye decide on wintery warmth. With glowing white lights, a flickering fire at the top with children dancing around the tree cuddled in ski parkas, snow falling above them, and having a good time. We stand back to admire our work, and decide we have done well. Longbottom tells us we can wait and talk while the rest of the groups finish decorating. I take a look around the room and think to myself, we took the top spot by a long shot, none of the other trees are as good as ours. But then I catch myself, realizing that the Hufflepuff head boy shouldn't think like that. I'm supposed to be a kind, loyal person, not one that strives to be better than everybody else.

Kaye reads my thoughts though. "Ours does take the cake Teddy. You don't have to be so uptight about knowing that yours is the best. Sometimes it's just true."

"Yeah, well, that means a lot coming from someone who doesn't want me to see my parents again," getting defensive.

"That's not true."

"Well, you don't want me to use the elder wand. And that's the only way that I can see them again."

"It's not that I don't want you to use it, period, it's that I don't want you to use it alone."

It takes a few moments for what she said to sink in. She wants to use it together. She wants to help bring my parents back.

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