Ch. 26 New Paths

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Chloe watched Angela rub at her temples as she sat in the waiting room close to Elena's hospital room while the doctor checked Elena out. Angela was seated between Happy and Juice, a position that would usually make her happy, but she seemed miserable. If everything went okay with the doctor, Elena would be going home, and the two cousins had been at odds with each other ever since the older woman had decided to do so. "You okay, Ang?" she asked her friend.

"Mm," she hummed in answer, letting her hands fall onto her pregnant belly. "Headache."

Juice reached out to tuck a stray hair behind Angela's ear. "You've had that for awhile, baby," he murmured, a look of concern on his face.

That caught Chloe's attention. She raised her eyebrows at Angela. "Really?"

Angela shifted uncomfortably, shrugging a shoulder. "I'm just tired and anxious."

"Maybe you're dehydrated. Want a Coke? I'll get you Coke," Juice offered gamely, pushing himself out of the chair and going to the vending machine in the corner.

Chloe sent him a look of disapproval. "How about some water? You should watch your sugar intake."

Juice nodded, paying for a water bottle and holding it out to his wife. She waved it away, closing her eyes and tilting her head back against the wall. "I'm okay," she insisted stubbornly. "Just a headache. Relax."

"Drink it, kid," Happy ordered in his rough voice.

Juice waved it in front of her face, gently placing it on her forehead. "C'mon, Angel. You know you want some of this ice cold water."

"Goof," Angela murmured to Juice, taking the bottle from him and taking a long sip. Chloe saw the smallest hint of a smile turn up the corners of Angela's lips. She couldn't help but smile herself at Happy and Juice's antics. Both men loved Angela so much, yet had such different ways of taking care of her. Happy with his terse orders and Juice with his kind-hearted goofiness. Chloe still firmly believed the two men were more similar than people would first believe. Juice had the same staunch love and loyalty for his family as Happy did, the same will to go above and beyond to protect their loved ones.

"And now, we go home!" Elena said with a big smile as she was ushered into the room in a wheelchair by a nurse. The nurse nodded to Chloe in greeting before she made her way out to give them some privacy.

"Now you guys go talk to the social worker," Chloe explained on a sigh. She had a feeling the social worker might frown upon the makeshift room the Sons had built for Elena in the garage since Elena and Graciela were stubborn about keeping Evie's old room as it was. "She's gonna ask all about the living situation. Might have to make some changes for them to agree to it, but you should be fine. Her office is up a floor. Ang, you'll let me know how it goes?"

Angela gave her a confused look. "You're not coming?"

She was surprised by the question and shook her head. "I wasn't planning on it.'s kind of a family thing."

"Don't be ridiculous," Elena said with a scowl, "you are family, mijita."

Chloe didn't know where the lump in her throat had come from, but it made it hard for her to speak. She swallowed hard, smiling as best she could to keep from crying. She'd always felt like she was part of their family but hearing Elena, the matriarch of it, say it now made it feel even more real. For some reason, her eyes went to Happy who nodded his head almost unperceptively. She caught it though, and a sense of calm came over her. "Okay. Yeah. 's not like I had anything else going on."

"Good," Elena said with a smile. "Happy, you push me."

Happy nodded, going behind Elena's wheelchair and starting to push her down the hallway with Juice following along after. Chloe went to follow them, but Angela grabbed her arm, holding her back. "You're okay with this, right? Don't let my aunt force you..."

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