Ch. 15 Blood

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Chloe didn't know where they were taking them. Her captors had come in, thrown bags over their heads, and brusquely picked them up to take them somewhere. Luz had asked a few times where they were going, Lyla too, but neither of them had received answers. Somewhere along the way, they'd gotten split up too. From what she could tell, she was with Lyla meaning they were probably going to meet with the Sons. At least, she hoped so. A meeting with the Sons could mean they were one step closer to being freed from this hell. She shifted nervously in her seat; it felt like they'd been stopped and sitting in the hot car for hours now. She closed her eyes, tilting her head against the plush leather seat trying her best to fall asleep just to pass the time. It wasn't like there was much else she could do. The sound of Harleys in the distance had her wide awake though; they were there. Happy was there. She could feel it.

She leaned closer into what she assumed was a window, trying to hear anything she could. The voices were muffled though. The man she assumed was sitting in the driver's seat's phone rang, and he answered, speaking in quick Cantonese. She felt her heart speed up as she did her best to translate what they were saying. She hadn't spoken the language since her Mother had died, but she found she understood bits and pieces. What she could understand chilled her to the bone. This meeting was a front. They were using it to distract them so they could go after someone else.

"Jesus Christ," she murmured, realizing she knew exactly who they were going after. Angela. They were getting both clubs together so she'd be left unguarded. But there was no way. No way would they leave her unattended. They weren't that dumb.

The door beside her opened, a hand grabbing her arm and forcefully pulling her out of the car. The bag was ripped off her head, and she breathed the fresh air in deeply; it felt like years since she'd last been outside. She blinked in the bright sun, her eyes adjusting to the change. Then she saw him. Sitting on his bike beside Chibs, doing his best to look nonchalant, above it all, tough. Happy stood when their eyes met. Unfolding himself to his full height, his dark eyes filled with a mixture of anger and worry, his jaw ticking as his hands curled into fists.

She stood strong, breathing in deeply knowing that to panic in front of them would show weakness and that was one thing she didn't want to do. She could keep it together, though she couldn't say the same about Lyla who was sobbing beside her. Her eyes met Happy's, holding his gaze as Chibs and Shang, one of Charlotte's most trusted men, discussed whatever business deal they were doing. "Angela," she mouthed to Hap, hoping he'd understand. His brows furrowed in confusion for a moment, so she did it again. He didn't understand what she was saying, but Tig did. The wild haired man cursed softly under his breath, hitting Happy's arm before backing towards his bike.

"Hey! You guys not taking me seriously?" Shang shouted, taking his gun out from behind his back. He pointed it straight at Lyla's head, pressing it to her temple. "Best start listenin' or the blonde gets a hole in her head."

A sob left Lyla's lips as she almost crumbled to the ground. Two of the other Triads grabbed her, holding her up right. Chibs held his hands up. "Easy there. Don't do anythin' rash."

"We want the guns and the turf. You've been givin' the guns to the Mayans. That ain't gonna fly anymore. You give us the guns, we give you your women. Get it?"

"Guns aren't in our control anymore. Irish deal with the Mexicans now. Give us our girls back 'n' we'll see if we can make a deal of it."

Shang shook his head, chuckling. "Don't play me. You're still pullin' the strings, Scotty. Ain't no way those Irish crackers would work with anyone else but you. Hear they're not a big fan of color."

"They tolerate color just fine nowadays," Chibs lied, nodding his head. "We got no play in this, Shang. You want the guns 'n' the turf, you're messin' with the wrong club."

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