April 10th 2015 (prt1)

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Hanakō's Pov

Which Is More Pathetic? Distancing yourself from your friends and family to spend more time observing the one you love? Or. Watching the girl you love from the bushes watch the guy she loves from the bushes?

Well, I've been doing both... for the past four days.

I want to approach her! I do! But I freeze. Which is quite uncharacteristic of me. I mean I am always very competent at social interactions.

I was Class representative last year! I was tied with Keiko Saikou this year so I could have been this year also. But I am glad that I am not. I have better things to do. Aka wooing and watching Ayano-senpai.

Bo you believe in soulmates? Because I believe in Soulmates. And that's what Yan-chan and I are. Let me explain.

I'm in class 1-2, she is in class 2-2. We both sit in the fourth row third column seat. We both clinch our fists when we get angry. We both 'wear a mask' around people so they don't know how we really feel. And I could go on but I probably shouldn't because my big brother and sister are staring at me.

"Did I miss something?"

"Yeah Weirdo. Where you Ignoring me?" Pippi says.

"No I just have something on my mind."

"More like someone." She pestered. And I blushed and shook my head.

"ANYWAY. What Pippi was saying Hanakō was that Mom and Dad are going to be staying with Grandma Magi in Niimi until she is recovered from her stroke. And we will be taking turns cooking and cleaning it is my turn to cook you will be doing the laundry and Pippi will be doing the dishes."

"They aren't even going to say goodbye?" I asked even though it didn't surprise me they were pretty distant. Have been since I was 11.

"They are leaving at 2:30 so no." Pippi says. "Anywho I am headed to school. I would suggest you two do the same." She says as she picks up her satchel and leaves us.

"So was she right? Do you like someone?" Taro asks.

"Maybe." I say blushing profusely.

"Oooh thats awesome Nakō who is she?" Before I could answer Osana's Voice could be heard from outside of the house.

"Taro are you ready?" She sounded off.

"It isn't nice to keep a lady waiting you know." I teased and he slapped my chest and grabbed his satchel and left. I grabbed my backpack and left for school a few moments later. Knowing my love would be watching them.

I was right of course.

"Taro I need to confess something to you."

"Osana what is it? Can't it wait until lunch?"

"No! I have to get this off my chest now. Or it will eat me up inside." She says and stops. I watch Ayano hide in someone's lawn and I hide as well. Osana turns around to face him. "While I was shopping last week in Shizuoka City I bumped into This Freak! His name was Haruto Teruhashi. He was really creepy and gross and he kept flirting with me and I wasn't interested at all! It took me forever to get him to leave me alone! The next day I started getting texts from him when I Never Gave Him My Number! He then started sending me photos that was taken of me Without my acknowledgment and Definitely without my permission...."

"You have a stalker?! I couldn't even imagine! You need to go to the police."

she stepped forward creating distance. "I mean, I couldn't. He Kidnapped Cassie and said if I wanted to get her back I had to go to his house."

"Don't tell me..."

"No I didn't. My friend Yan-chan did. And when she got their she showed me what she saw. It was Awful! His room was covered in photos of me! And he had some stupid little shrine. It had nasty stuff in it! Chunks of my hair, a set of my families silverware, one of my scrunchies, a pair of my underwear, and my cats collar..." she says she starts to tear up. "That was on Monday. On Tuesday Ayano went looking once more. She finally found her. But she wasn't.... she.... He Killed Cassie!" She stops and does her normal step back step forward fidget. The continues "Anyway! On Wednesday Ayano and I came up with a plan to get Cassie back. I just wanted to have her back. Even if that ment just cremated remains. I told him to meet me at The old Kusuri Warehouse yesterday at 7:30. The same one Ayano hid cameras and microphones around. The Idea was if something bad happened to us the police would be able to see where we went. As well as have hard proof evidence to have him arrested! We got their 5 minutes earlier than the agreed meet up time and he was already there! He instantly charged at Yan-chan. She was able to hold her own but it wasn't looking favorable for her so I picked up some piece of rusty metal and I...." she stops as an panic attack consumes her once she gets to breathing regularly once more she continued her story. "I killed him." She says in a monotone voice. "I Killed him. I didn't mean too. Something just came over me. All I could think about was how dangerous he was and how afraid I was of him. I should have stopped myself. But I didn't.... We called the police. Explained Everything to them. Showed them all of the footage and photos. They saw Cassie. He brought her in a double wrapped Wal☆mart bag. I saw Cassie before sending her off to Heartland Pet Crematorium. That was a 41,107.859¥ cost." She whispered the last part. Then she takes a few breaths and looks at him. I couldn't see his face but it must have been disappointed. "Don't worry about me, I can't continue going to this school anymore. Today is my last day. I want it to be a good one but it won't. He has a younger sister and he was in your class before he dropped out. I will undoubtedly be bullied relentlessly for this action. And it will haunt me until the day I die..." she says then she fell to her knees. I realized at that moment I needed to watch Ayano more than just at school and on her way to/from school.

"I can't believe you could do such a thing! Your joking right? This can't be real... I never thought you were the type of person to kill someone. I don't think I can be friends with you anymore. I'm sorry." Taro says as he leaves. Ayano left her hiding spot and quickly approached the ginger girl.

"Are you okay what happened?" My angel says as she kneeled to her level. I recognized that she was acting this was once again just a mask.

"Taro... he doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. What am I supposed to do. He was my childhood friend and my first love." The ginger cried out as she attempted to stand up just to fall back down.

"Hey, hey. It's going to be okay. I'll be here for you. We're friends after all."

"I am really appreciative of you Yan-chan. I hope we can be friends forever. If you were to tell me back when we were to go back to when we first met and tell me that we were going to be friends down the road I would have never believed it. But here we are. I am so sorry for all this mess!" She whispered out. I could tell the ginger was at an immensely vulnerable because her normal tough demeanor was gone.

"I'm here for you. But, I'm not going to sugarcoat things for you, Osana Today will be hard. Harder than yesterday even. Kokomi has definitely told everyone by now what happened last night. But don't worry I'll stay by your side all day if you like. Or if you prefer I can call in sick for you today and you can stay at my place my parents are in America right now and I am not sure when they'll return." I can't decide if that was an empty promise or not. It seemed genuine.

"I... I would like that. But I really want to try. I want to tell Raibaru what really happened. She deserves to know." Osana says as she takes Ayano's hand and stands up.

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