April 13th (prt2)

65 2 0

Midori Gurin's PoV.

Plan Arrange For Ayano and Hanakō to be together is a go! I already convinced Pippi into letting Kuu, and Ayano to join us at her house. She was, less than chipper about the idea however she never questions Kuu, that's how this universe works.

The universe I live in is a strange one. But, I'm not like my two 'sisters'. I don't particularly hate being one of the few sentient characters in a fictional universe. I find it intriguing. Everytime, I am 'reborn', so to say, it reminds me how much better it is to be like me than it must to be like you Wattpad readers. I mean in my universe death isn't permanent if 'mxghostbee'  decides it not to be so.

'mxghostbee' , Show them... Go on.

[Be careful what you wish for...]

I roll my eyes. And as I do this a huge 18 wheeler flips down the road and quickly crushes and pins both me and Kuu in-between the wall of the Yamada house and the sidewalk. I can feel my lungs full up of blood as I start to drown on said blood.

Then, Bam, Bright White. And the scene which we left off almost 21 days ago. [There is no way its been that long... damn I guess time flies when you're in a creative block] Well that joke was funnier back went this was uploaded on Tumblr.... 

"So Yamada-kun are you going to cook for us." I asked trying to set up some stupid romantic cliché.

"Err. Yes of course, Gurinu-san." Hanakō says as he runs off to the kitchen. Really ? A Jay reference? [Shut up]

"Yan-chan, You're the main character so that means you have to go and help him out!" I exclaimed as I wrapped my arms around her shoulders. She pushed them off and nodded leaving the room.

STEP ONE COMPLETE! Step two begins!

Hanakō's PoV

"So I got um Hamburger out." I say holding the bag out to her. "But there isn't enough I am guessing."

"Do you have anymore frozen?"

"Ummm. Yeah! Its in the basement freezer. Come with me down there to help me find it." I say. I just want to have her all alone. She nodded and followed me. "Its in that one over there."

"Okay." She went to over the meat freezer. "I think there's an issue. Hanakō-kun."

"Huh?" I went over to her and I smelt it. Rotten food. "Wa?!" I bounced around to find out what would have made the freezer stop being a freezer and I found it. Someone unplugged it. How did no one notice that before. Everything is spoiled! This sucks so much! What am I to do?! "I'm sorry Senpai! I'll go talk to my siblings about this issue." I rambled and ran upstairs shutting the door behind me. Pippi was sitting in her boyfriends arms. Meaning talking to her is a no-go. So I ran to Taro's room. "Nii-san! We have an issue!"

"What is it Han'neko?"

"All the meat in the basement freezer is Rotten! Someone must have unplugged it!" I say panicked. My Senpai is already going to have a bad opinion of me if we can't solve this. I see Taro's face grow paler.

"I didn't plug it back in friday...."

"You unplugged it?!"

"Yeah. I messed up... Call for pizza and I'll clean it out once everyone is gone." He says and I nodded and left.

"We are having Pizza tonight. How many and what toppings do you all want?"

"There are 11 of us so we would probably need at least 10 large pizzas." Kumi Demura says.

"Get all of them on hand tossed crust. Get Two Cheeseburger, One Spinach and Fetta, Three Cheese, Two Pepperoni, and Two Italian Sausage. Then get six Garlic bread twist orders, and Six Two Litters." Pippi says.

I called up Pizza Hut and put in our order which came to ¥24911.82. Quite the hefty fee for dinner. But, we have no other choice.

Once the pizza arrives. Gem and I take it to the table and I yelled for Taro to come and Get dinner. But after around a half hour. I noticed Ayano was missing. Before I could say anything Gurin-san approached. "Are you forgetting the basement door?"

"Oh Shit!" I yelled. The basement door locks on its own once It is closed. I Bolted to rescue my Senpai from the basement just to have her unintentionally fall into my arms. I put on my charming and deepest voice 「Which isn't a lot admittedly...」 "Hey. Come here often?" I say. Damn I'm awful at picking up lines...

"I was banging on the door for an awkward amount of time..." Ayano-senpai says.

"Err... I guess the TV was to loud... I'm sorry Senpai! How can I make it up to you?"

"Help me win your brothers attention." No. No. Not happening no.

"Errr What?"

"If you help me I will forgive you."

I ponder it for a bit. This could be a perfect thing. I mean here she is letting her guard down asking for my help. I know all of Taro's Likes and Dislikes and once she does something against them I take a photo and compile them to send to him on the day she intends on confessing. Inevitably he will reject her and I will be close enough by to sweep her off her feet. Or even some better plan than that. 


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