April 14th 2015

70 1 0

Hanakō's Pov.

Yesterday was boring Taro insisted that the two of us played card games and watch movies together. Its like he was trying to get me to talk about my crush. But I won't, not to him at least. He is my rival. Even if he doesn't know it. And I haven't been able to sleep properly since Friday.

Why did I say that?! Did she hear me? Of course she did... she said my name afterwards. Gah! She asked about me. Which is shocking I was expecting all of her questions to be about Him. And I of course was going to lie. I didn't even get to though... because you are such a creep! I don't think she noticed everything I did. Like taking in her scent. Or collecting her hair.

Friday was a win. Come to think of it. I got to learn more about her, play with her long beautiful and soft hair, and keep some of that hair. I put it all in My Senpai Shrine. A.K.A. the top of my old wardrobe. In this house I have a closet so I really don't need it. Its pretty bare if I am being honest... she's never really leaves anything and is extremely tidy. I only have a photo of her, and her hair. I plan on expanding it tomorrow. I'm going to call in.

"Hanakō Wake Up its 8:30 and I want to go to shopping." Taro yelled from outside my door.

"Then go. I don't want to get outta bed!" I yelled back.

"I'll give you 10 minutes then I'm dragging you out and dressing you if I have to."

"Take Pippi! I don't want to go!" I groaned out.

"She stayed the night with Ryuto."

"What when?"

"After dinner Dip. Now get dressed or I'll dress you!" He yelled and I hear my door knob jiggle. Thank God for locks. "I'm getting a butter knife and I'll be back." Fucking hell, he is serious... the first place he looks for close at is the wardrobe. Shit, I have no choice but to wake up. I jump out of bed and go to my closet quickly removing my sleeping outfit and throwing it in the hamper. Once I put on a pair of underwear I hear my door being unlocked and opened. "Oof. Why are you just standing around in your underwear?"

"I am changing you should too if we are leaving soon."

"Whats wrong with my outfit¹?"

"Too many things. But it isn't important. Can you take my hamper downstairs for me?"

"Yeah, Just get dressed." He says and runs off. I do as I am told. Once we were ready we left for the mall. Once we got to the strip we sit down at a bench and map out a plan. When a brown haired man approached us with a plate of mini cupcakes.

"Do you want a free sample?"

"No thank you." I say not really in the mood.

"Hey your Yamada-san right? Your friends with the supposed murder, Osana Najimi, right?" He says staring at my brother.

"Um... we used to be friends not anymore. Do I Know You?"

"I'm Amao Odayaka, My sister and I are in your class." He says.

"Ah I think I know who you are now."

"Oh and you, Your friends with Ayano Aishi right?" He says directing his attention to me. Him saying her name enraged me for some reason.

"Yes. Why."

"Oh no reason. I just think she could use a cream pie." I stare at him with a stare that could melt the polar ice cap. "Like a banana crème pie." He tries to defend. I stand up he is taller than me but I could tell he was intimidated. "The kind we sell." He says backing up and pointing behind him. I look were he is pointing and see a bakery.

"Oh." I say walking away. Still fuming. Leaving Amao and Taro talking. I had more important things to do at the mall. Example, buying spy cameras. I know. I know. It is very much a creepy thing to do. But I don't really have a choice. I can't just sit in a tree and watch her with binoculars. After buying them and syncing them with my phone. Taro caught up with me.

"Odayaka-san says he's sorry if he upset you. He's a really cool guy. Loves food. Maybe too much."

"Whatever. Can we go home now?"

"No silly. The Spring Festival is this week. Wednesday is the dance and we both need outfits for it." Oh yeah a dance... Akademi hosts 4 dances a school year and Prom. Of course neither me nor Ayano will be going to Prom. We are underclassmen.

"Oh I completely forgot!"

"Its okay. Its going to be so much fun! It always is. Tomorrow you and your class will prepare their Classroom for the Competition. People who are in clubs will also be preparing to do whatever their stand will be doing. So for now let's go! I there's a Suit Shop in this direction." After what felt like hours we were done.

"Hey Hanakō Don't forget it is your turn to do the laundry." Pippi yelled from her room as we entered the house.

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