Disguise | 09

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The day of the exam to get their provisional license had finally arrived, Ahane wasn't particularly nervous, some part of him was just too unbothered to care about the test; though he had an inkling that the one and only Midoriya had absorbed another portion of the nervousness. The boy was acting even more anxious than Ahane.

"If you managed to get your provisional licenses, then you'll become semi-pros."

"Do your best."

The ghostly boy hovered around worriedly, muttering something under his breath. Ahane decided not to question him, Midoriya would eventually calm down and then suddenly become optimistic, almost creepily optimistic. It honestly weirded Ahane out, but he learned to be used to it. The said ghost boy who looked like he could fall apart at any moment was his partner in crime now after all.

"I believe in you, Ahane-kun. You can do it, plus ultra-!"

"Sometimes I wonder if you're the same person or not..."

He heaved a sigh, but Midoriya was quick to dismiss his sighing as he pointed at a group of people. "Look..! They're from Shiketsu High School, one of the elite schools that rival UA!" he exclaimed in awe. Ahane faintly remembered the school, recalling hearing them on the news a couple of times, must be quite the school. 

Ahane looked over to them, a tall guy caught his attention, he could see blood running down his forehead. But he didn't seem to mind, continuing his passionate speech of whatever to Ahane's classmates.

"He's weird, but he's strong, don't underestimate him," Eraserhead stated.

He's strong huh...there's a decent amount of competition out here

"Hey, Ahane-kun...do you think we can pass this exam..?" Midoriya's question caught him off guard, the pessimism in him was going off once again like a big red alarm. "They all look so tough...what if-"

Ahane was going to interrupted Midoriya, but it seemed as if Midoriya had realized what nonsense he was uttering. He slowly backed away from the group; the hesitant boy followed beside him. Ahane paused for a while, staring at Class 1A sweatdropping at the bloody Shiketsu High student in front of them. "Have faith, they're strong." he kept his response short. "Believe in them, like what you said to me." 

Midoriya nodded, "Yeah...have faith.." he could see the determination returning to him. He sighed, the things he does for the boy.

Ahane joined back to the group but was startled as a student suddenly grabbed onto his hands. "You all are so committed, just like a hero should be!" he couldn't even muster a response for him, and he was already onto the next person.

Midoriya blinked, having the same reaction as him. "What...was that?" He was radiating bright and cheerful energy, though if he had to compare that to Kirishima's, he would say it felt a bit...pretentious, in a way.

"He's so bubbly."

The student continued to blabber about, unexpectedly mentioning Bakugou, and started praising him for his brave actions. "This guy...definitely has a problem," he muttered, crossing his arms. 

"Does he? He seems nice to me." Sero interjected.

Ahane glanced at him, he didn't expect anyone to hear that. "No one in their right mind would praise him of all people," he replied nonchalantly.

He laughed, "You make a good point."


So I just have to hit the targets with these...sounds easy enough. 

"Ahane-kun, are you sure it's alright to just leave the group like that?" Midoriya asked nervously, following the boy into the buildings with pipes shrouding the place. The area was the opposite of where class A was, cramped with metal pipes connecting into buildings that stretched beyond Ahane's view.

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