Provisional Licence | 11

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"Villains have intruded the area!"

"Due to the heavy attacks, buildings have collapsed and many are injured."

The screen displayed a disastrous scene, layers of building stacking on top of each other like Jenga blocks, smoke and debris enhancing the destructive atmosphere surrounding the compound. The students tensed up as the room unfolded itself, Midoriya took a deep breath beside the nonchalant Ahane.

It's starting

Class 1A sprinted around, seeking the wounded. Ahane followed behind them, steadily increasing his pace. 

"Are you talking nonsense?! Minus points!"

A child could be heard yelling at the class, the boy peeked from behind. Midoriya sweatdropped, "Are they the ones that will be grading us...?" seeing an injured child scolding his friends was an unusual scene indeed. He sneaked a glance at Ahane, would he be able to get a high score from these 'judges' with his bold and straightforward demeanour?

"Look around you and pay attention!"

Ahane breathed out, parting ways with the class. Midoriya didn't question his actions, but kept a wary eye on him. He couldn't tell what he was thinking at all. 

He put his thoughts aside, spotting an injured girl lying on the floor unconscious. "Is she alright..!?" they rushed towards her. Upon closing inspection, she was in fact still in a conscious state, her chest rising and descending at a slow rate.

She whimpered, "I-It hurts..."

His eye skimmed for injuries, Midoriya was startled to see a piece of shattered glass piercing her abdomen. Was that a real injury? They did mention all of them were professionals but the wound looked a bit too real, it caught him off guard. It looked like it surprised Ahane as well, seeing as he was staring at the girl with a blank face.

Ahane eventually approached the girl, examining the wound. There wasn't much bleeding as he expected, probably because this was all just a test. After checking her pulse, he carefully carried her in his arms. 

"It hurts so I g-gonna die...?" 

A platform appeared from thin air, from the looks of it, it seemed like it belonged to Ahane's quirk. The ghost boy watched as Ahane gently placed her on the floating block, not one word was exchanged between him and the girl. He wondered if the child will deduct marks because of the lack of communication.

Heading to the first aid station for treatment, the boy finally said something. "Don't worry, you won't die from this." he looked at the girl for a brief moment before proceeding with the rescue.

Midoriya stared at Ahane, speechless. "Isn't that a bit too...harsh?" criticizing his impudent behaviour, but no feedback was received from it. His face softened, the girl was a great actor; the pain on her face was fast to gain Midoriya's pity. If only she could hear him, he thought.

The whole trip was filled with nothing but silence, even the chaos happening around them couldn't fill in the immense silence. Midoriya glimpsed at the floating contraption, a simple platform. 

Why a platform...? he-

Carrying the girl while running to the first aid area would be one hell of a bumpy trip with all the sprinting and jumping. With the sharp object still puncturing the girl's abdomen, such movements would just worsen the injury. A stable platform would ensure a smooth ride with fewer risks, it was a quick and reasonable solution with the help of his quirk.

He sighed with a smile, sometimes action does in fact speak louder than words.


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