Chapter 46

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"Aunt Wilson, I had a great time with you people but I gotta go." Luke stands from his chair after finishing his last piece of pancake. "Great, I'll walk you outside." Jack stands with a relieved face.

"JAACK" I call him with a low threatening voice. "What? I'm just..." Before he completes my mom says, "No one is leaving, Jack.  And Aiden, please stay." Mom does not even listen to Aiden's answer, she goes to the kitchen.

Luke controls his happiness after hearing those words but I can see it in his eyes and I haven't missed the smirk he gave to Jack. "Whatever, " I come to the backyard to get peace of mind because my mind is filled with questions like what was in the vase? Why does the princess look like me? Why did she slash her lover, shy? Why does her life seem identical to mine?

I'm feeling so down and missing my father, "if the father is here..." I sign. "Ana," Jack disturbs my train of thoughts. "Ow! Your loudness harms my eardrums, Mr Cool. " I turn to retort.

"Me...I..." He points to himself and says, "leave that, why did you let him stay?" He points inside the house.

"Whom I let?" I shrug, "your friend," he clenches. "Jack, I'm not in the mood." He goes to his home furiously but I can not help when my plate is filled fully. I shake my head with a tired breath.

"Hey, Angry bird, " Luke let out a genuine smile maybe he is happy to be here. "Aidy, please..." I try to plead but he cut off me, "Hey, I like your nickname for me," his face is beaming.

'Great, I become the reason for two persons' moods,'  I thought in mind. "You may not mind the first one but what about the second one, Ana" my mind mocks me.

"Oh! Then I inform everyone to call you Aidy." I roll my eyes and go to my room to wash my face. When I come out of my bathroom I see Aiden sitting comfortably on my bed. "What are you doing in my room?" I was startled by his sudden appearance in my room. "Nothing, just waiting for you Angry bird." He shrugs his shoulders casually.  I take a deep breath furiously to control my anger, "okay, I'm here now tell me, what do you want?" I lean to the wall.

"Call me," he says normally. "What?" I am puzzled by his answer. "Call ME," his voice emits different emotions, it intimidates me. "I. I did. I didn't get you, Luke," he suddenly cages me. His hands are stuck to the wall and I am in the middle. I swallow a lump in my throat. He bends to reach my ear and says, " call me with love, Ana" his breath makes me shiver and slowly sweat buds are appearing on my forehead.

My voice is knocked in my throat. It's not coming out and I am not trying anything to make the distance between us. The room is completely occupied by silence. Yes, we have some inches of distance but even also I feel nervous not the scared one which makes me curse Satan.
It is different. I want to hide at the same time I want this closeness.  He is looking into my eyes, "I want to be with you, Ana." He cups my face with so much life in his eyes.

We are lost in our eyes. I forget everything, everyone.
I want to be like this forever. I want to lose myself like this for eternity. My mind encourages me to hug him.

'Go, Ana, let's have our first kiss. I don't want to become a nun in a Nun film. If we die single, we will become Devil nun and has to serve Satan. No way in hell I serve Satan. I took an oath that I would chop his butt. '

But I have lost control of my body, " Ana, Do you wanna share your life with me," my lips shiver to answer him but he understands what I am thinking. So he takes the liberty to initiate the kiss. He slowly erases the remaining inches of distance and watches my lips with adoration. My already raised heartbeat picks up a dangerous speed that makes me think it is trying to get free itself.

'Yes, that's it, Hurray! Hurray! ' my mind dances.

His lips touch my lips, that touch I cannot explain the pleasure I feel. Within a few seconds, he has thrown on the bed with a thud. I run to his side to check him.

"Luke, Luke..." I shake him but no response he fell unconscious. I have checked him he just fell unconscious. That makes me feel better.

No longer do I take a relief breath I hear the deadly voice of that dead man. "Anamika.." The voice is low but carries a deadly threat. The door opened suddenly to make him appear in front of me. And I see him and he is the person I never expected he would be.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2022 ⏰

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