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OCTOBER 31ST, 1972


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SHE HAS BEEN WAITING FOR THIRTEEN FOR QUITE SOME TIME NOW. It has come so slowly and Camilla doesn't think it is worth the wait. Her mother has misspelled her name in the letter she received this morning. Her eggs were cold and the taste of coffee was not as good as she hoped. Perhaps the worst part of her day is the fact that James did not wish her a happy birthday. He is at Quidditch practice and has been there since before the sun came up.

So she really can't blame him for not saying anything to her since she has yet to see him. Well, that's not entirely true. Camilla has tagged along with the boys as they watch James' practice. Sirius hopes to get on the team next year and wants to observe every movement to better improve his own skills.

Camilla is only looking at James. He looks tired and almost in pain but still so beautiful. She knows that he is the best player on the team despite being the youngest. He has more talent and passion in his pinky finger than the rest of the team combined. That is another thing Camilla adores about James. He is so effortlessly good at everything he does. He will not pay attention for an entire lesson yet ace every exam. She knows he practices longer and harder than he needs to for Quidditch. He stays an hour later than everyone else on the team to practice by himself and sometimes comes an hour earlier too.

Camilla thinks that it's foolish how he feels the need to prove himself. He would be the best on the team without any practice at all.

"It's freezing out," Peter complains. "Can we go back in?"

Sirius shakes his head. "You can if you want. I'm staying though."

Peter rolls his eyes, but doesn't leave. Camilla knows that the other boys find it strange how Peter rarely thinks for himself, but she understands. It can be hard to create independence in a place like school. Everyone is meant to dress the same and think the same and Camilla finds it dreadful at times.

"Did you finish the Defense Against the Dark Arts homework, Camilla?" Remus asks her. She doesn't turn to look at him when she speaks to him and she knows how impolite it is but James is too beautiful in the sky to ignore.

"Yes. You can copy it later if you'd like." Camilla responds so half-heartedly she feels immense guilt and hopes that Remus will not think she's rude.

"Yeah, thanks." He says back.

The sun is rising over Scotland and the sky has created the most beautiful of hues. There is an orange over the horizon while a soft pink lingers behind the clouds. James is now glowing in the light making him more beautiful than before.

Is that what the angels look like as they fly around heaven? Camilla thinks so.

There is a brief moment where James catches a glimpse of Camilla and grins. Maybe she is just imagining it though. Whether she is or not really doesn't matter. Imaginary things can fulfill the heart just as much.

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