Chapter 13- The New Girl

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Louis' P.O.V

Im torn. My sister is dating my best mate. How am I supposed to react to this! On one hand, I'm glad that they're both happy. But on the other, what happens when they start fighting? Who's side should I take? My best mate or my sister? Family first right...well yeah but I have a job. And being friends with all the boys is a part of the deal.

This is all too much to take in.

I need to get away for a while...


*1 Week Later*

Liam's P.O.V

As I waited for Jess at the airport, I decided to mess around with my mobile. I scrolled through my twitter replying to a few people, I followed as many people as I could. But I had to stop, curse you follow limit.

"Um excuse me...." I heard a voice speak up. I looked up to see a girl beautiful girl standing in front of me. But it wasn't Jess.

"...are you L-Liam Payne" she asked

"Yeah. Are you a fan?" I laughed slightly at her stutter

"Y-yes. Massive! C-can I get a pic with you?" She asked

"Sure babe"

She pulled out her phone and I put my arm around her shoulders. She snapped the picture and thanked me. But before she could walk away I grabbed her mobile. When I was done with it I handed it back to her.

"What did you do to my phone?" She laughed. But before I could answer, my mobile rang. I showed her the text message, and she smiled.

"Now we have each others numbers babe" I smiled

"Wow I have Liam Payne's number in my phone" she said shocked.

"But I have to go...if I don't get to my uncles house, he'll start to get worried. I'll text you later?"

"I'd be disappointed if you don't" I replied

She just smiled and walked away. But I realized something while she was walking away.

"Wait!" I called to her. She spun around.

"I never got your name"

"Peyton" she called back. She turned back around and walked away.


One hour later, I was still sitting waiting for Jessica to arrive. I started getting worried, so I went to the main desk.

"Erm excuse me miss, but do you have any information on flight 102?" I asked the woman behind the desk.

"I'm sorry sir, but there is a pretty bad storm over the Atlantic, communications are down at the moment." She said sympathetically.

My heart dropped. What if Jess was hurt? What if she never got on the plane? What if I never see her again? ...That's crazy. I just need to calm down

"Ok will you please tell me if there is any new information?" I asked

"Of course" she gave me a small smile.

I turned around and returned to my seat.

Where are you Jess?


Katie's P.O.V

"Yeah...Ok Simon, I'll bring her...bye uncle Si." Harry ended the call and slipped his phone in his pocket. He looked at me with confusion on his face.

"What did you do?" He asked

"What are you talking about?"

"Simon wants to see either you did something really good, or you did something REALLY bad" he said

I just shrugged my shoulders. I have no idea why Simon wants to see me. He's never asked to see me before. I've only seen him once at the boys first concert. And we didn't even talk.

"Well come on, we might as well get this over with." Harry said grabbing his keys and jumper.

I followed him out the door and into his car. We drove in silence as we made our way to Simons office. I could tell that Harry was just as nervous as me.


"Mr. Cowell will see you now Ms. Tomlinson" the receptionist said as we waited for Simon to see us.

I stood up and Harry followed

"Um..without you Mr. Styles. Mr. Cowell said he wanted to speak to Ms. Tomlinson alone."

Harry gave me a quick peck on the cheek and I went into Simon's office.

"Katelyn, have a seat."


Author's Note:


I am the worst at updating, I know. But I've had a lot of stuff going on in my life.

But (hopefully) everything is better now, so updates SHOULD be every week again.

We also have another account! But it's for more "mature" readers! So check it out if you're old enough! If you know you're too young, DO NOT i repeat DO NOT! READ ANYTHING POSTED!!! Thanks :) xox the account is @OneDirectionFeels23

Thanks for reading guys, and congrats to the contest winner :)

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