We Like to Party.

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It was only about 4 in the afternoon, I just got back from hanging out with Wesley. He asked if I wanted to go to band practice, which he was already late to, but I wasn't exactly ready to Keaton face to face yet. I've lightened up since the other night, that's for sure. I was sprawled across the living room floor, with some popcorn, some soda and my phone. . . which hasn't made a sound since that night. I looked at it sadly. I missed him, is all I could say out loud. I put my stubbornness aside and grabbed my phone, punching in his number and putting the phone up to my ear contently. . . . . "Hey, you've reached Keaton, sorry I can't answer the phone right now. Leave a message" It went to voicemail after 5 rings, but it was nice just hearing his voice. I feel like I may have overreacted the other night, but I obviously wasn't going to admit it to him or anyone for that matter. Consumed in my own train of thought, my eyes feel heavy and I drifted into a deep cat nap.

I was awoken by the ringing of my phone an hour later, I was too tired to reach for it, so I just let it ring. That is, until I realized that it was Keaton's ringtone playing. I smiled hearing the familiar sound, him singing 'Your Guardian Angel' by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. And quickly darted to answer it, but by the time I answered he had just ended the call. He left a voicemail, "Hey, Lana. Sorry I couldn't pick up, I was in practice, call me later? miss you, bye."



Where the hell is he? He's been gone since this morning, maybe he's hanging with Megan and got caught up? . . gross. . .don't want to think about that. . . .. I picked up my phone to call him, but at that moment, he runs through the door, "hey guys, sorry I'm late." he says with a promising smile on his face. "I was hanging out with . ." he fell silent. . .

"Megan?" Drew poked at his ribcage suggestively.

"nah haha, she's out of town today." He said looking down scratching the back of his head nervously.

"then who?" I raised my eyebrow at him. I really thought that he liked Megan, but he was already hanging out with some other chick?

"Lana." he looked at me with no emotion.

Okay so, not some other chick. . my chick? "uhm, why?" I asked confused.

"I'll tell you later bro, let's just get practice over with." He said making his way across the room to his stool and guitar.

"no, I mean, you're already like 30 minutes late anyways. You owe 'us' an explanation." I gave him a condescending look.

"alright look man, it's not what you think. I just went over there to talk to her, about you. Ya know, see how she was doing. Dude, she's been M.I.A for 2 days, I went to go see if she was still alive." He joked, leaving me with a half-skeptical face.

Drew sensed the tension and turned to Kyle and Kenny slightly and motioned them to start playing. . .After awkwardly staring at each other, Wes broke to start singing and I jumped right into my bass part.

It was a great practice after that, we jammed for an hour longer than planned, and just chilled watching weird reality TV on the couch the rest of the night. . .I checked my phone, no longer being interested in what was the on the television. *1 missed call: LANA*

Received an hour ago, shit. I called back, but no answer, damnit. I looked over at Wesley, slightly jealous that he got to see her and I didn't. I walked over to him not saying a word, he looked up at me nodded his head and patted the space next to him.

"What did she say?" I asked sitting down.

"nothing much bro, I asked if I could talk to her privately, so we went on a walk into town and shit. Then, I kinda asked her if you were on the phone with her last night and she said no. . . " pure distress hit my face. "Dude, wait, she really wasn't as mad as she looked the other night because she figured that you would think that she wasn't going to answer."

Thought Of Her - A Keaton Stromberg FanficWhere stories live. Discover now