Paint Fight

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The thing about high school was rumors which travel like wildfire, it works even if they were false. Honestly, the lies are the best ones. In my case, they seemed to be true.

Mr. Williams was growling something about decency and student welfare. I tried to control the snort but failed. Principal Joseph was busy mattering God knows what and he and we both know that no one was listening to him but he didn't have any useful thing to do other than keep going on and on. Sarah, as known as blondie the bitch, whose blue eyes were glaring at me in such a way that I wanted to record her. Right now, she was looking fantastic. The paint was started to dry on the top of her head and her blond hair was covered in orange which drifted on her snow-white forehead and blushed right cheek, well at least it going to cost her time as well as money to remove it. Today, I was least bothered by the trainwreck habit of our principal and tried to focus on the office to block out his voice. The office has been recently renovated, I can tell by the new flooring and Zebra-Mushroom blinds that were not there before the summer. Yes, I was a consistent student who make trips at least once a month to him but today was different. I honestly did something to get scolded when Sarah tried to put paint on me which was thrown on Terrence instead when I crouched down. And that's how the paint fight started.

"Now, why are you smiling, Jade?"

That question brought me back to earth. Was I smiling? I eased my face into a neutral mask. He almost saw me every day so he started to call me Jade. Not embarrassing at all.

"What? No, sir. I was simply stretching my lips. They are aching." I mumbled this in total fake innocence and another smile started to break through.

"I see." He gave me his least famous dirty look. His stares seemed to say 'this is not over.'

"Bullshit!" Sarah shouted.

"Miss Jones! I gave you that entire lecture on decency and here we are back again. " Sarah just blankly stared at him without a word or even tried to pretend to look guilty. Sometimes, I really took pity on him but he never punished bullies and always gave me the 'stay the hell out of it' speech. So, no! But it was late and lunchtime was passing so I interrupted. His regular lecture can wait.

"It's lunchtime, sir. I promise this type of behavior you will not see from me again. " My face was the definition of innocence but he saw right through me and sighed.

"Okay! Both of you can leave now but three days of detention for you, Jade." I looked at him, incredulous but before I could utter a single word he silenced me with his right palm up and looked at Sarah.

"And, you are going to stop using such offensive language or the same will befall you. " Why would only I get detention? Okay! So, I knew I was not forthcoming with why I threw paint at her but still. Now, I was so angry that I don't think I could eat anything.

"You are going to pay for this, bitch!" As soon as we were out of there, Sarah yelled at me, real smoke was coming out of her ears.

"Oh, yeah? Looks like you have to pay for that! " I smirked. She pointed at me and then hastened out.

My smirk fell. It was always me who got detention. Trust me I was no bully but sometimes I just flipped. I got out of control and the next thing I see myself sitting in the principal office. It was not fair but again high school life was never. Thought to go to the washroom but stopped, Sarah and her good-for-nothing friends would be there. Taking a U-turn, I walked down the stairs and headed straight to the girl's locker room.

After taking a shower and scrubbing myself clean off the paint patches, I made my way to the cafeteria. I'd had spare clothes (a top and a jacket) shit! Just twenty minutes left for the lunch break to be over so I rushed and got myself a tray. I was not anybody but also not somebody. They know me as a Halloween Crazy girl, for now. The fact that they are jealous of me is clear and the reason is right beside me. Before I could look for a seat, Mike was at my side, Mike as in Michael Green was my best buddy and also the football team captain. He was a jock for everyone but me and his little sister, Katelyn. His light brown curls bounced as he walk, he was wearing his school Jersey, and underneath there was a white V-neck t-shirt that hugged his lean muscle torso and down with black jeans. His brown almost black eyes captured nearly all of the female species' attention in school. Pink lips, high cheekbones, slightly crooked nose, defined jawline, and a long neck.

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