Meet Cute

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My phone was vibrating, I stuck it up in my stockings, and this so-called rag of a skirt gave an easy access. Mike was calling me for the last two hours to come to a party. I didn't have much in me to drink and waste away as I did last year, splendidly. Sometimes I feared if I drink too much I might start to go to therapy.

"One fat frog, please!" I turned and smiled at a familiar-looking guy. I knew how to make a few drinks by myself but I always let Fred make it. A weird choice though.

"Hey! Fred, one fat frog here!" I shouted and he gave a salute in return.

"Jade! Right?" I turned when I heard my name and now that I think about him I do recognize him. He was the guy who returned my purse.

"Yup, that's me. "

"I'm Raon, Raon Lee, remember me?"

"Yes, how could I forget." Honestly, I did forget about him. Morning drama has exhausted my brain cells enough not to think much about anything but just to keep my anger in check.

"I wouldn't let you forget me anyway." I chuckled at that.

"So, you are from which school..?"

"Western Ridge High and you?"

He stood a little straighter, puffing up his chest, "Century Birch High!"

Ah! So these are the people who think of themselves as Elite. I looked him up and down, Damn! He did look superior.
Thank God Fred called out my name and I looked over at him, slapped my brain from inside for again staring at Raon, and then slide the drink to him.

"This one is on House!" I smiled at him.

"Oh! Don't worry I was just kidding back then. I did not think you remembered." I waved my hand.

"I'm just glad I didn't have to return for my purse. You saved me a trip back."

"Well, thank you for the drink."

"Enjoy!" I waved him bye cause others were waiting for their drinks.

Raon seemed like a nice guy to hang around and it was not bad that he was good-looking and had a body like that. I sighed. Let it be, I did not want to think of his body. I know that I had not been making my girl part here happy these past few months but I did not want to repeat my mistakes.

I looked over at Raon, he has been sitting near the second row which gave me a nice view of him. I was eyeing him way too much than I should have but for what was worth he was sending heated glances my way. He and his friends, at last, emptied the table and I found myself taking a fresh breath. My dry spell had lasted longer than a Sahara desert and I kind of find him attractive which he was, and his veiny arms. I sighed, again.

When my work was over I headed outside and found Raon there leaning against a wall, earbuds plugged in and nodding his head a little on the music he must enjoy. A smile made its way onto my face as I approached him. When I was near he sensed and looked at me with such a flawless smile that my heart beat a tad faster.

"Can I give you a ride? Or your Uber is nearby?" I chuckled a little.

When I hesitate he started to show me his pant's front pockets and then gave me a show of his ass and for one moment I thought he had gone mad.

"No gun or knife to be found. So I'm not a psycho murderer."

"I believed the not murderer part but the not psycho part? Nah, not a chance." He laughed and it lifted my mood and I agreed.

I followed him to where he parked his car, "Woh! You have a Bugatti!" it was in a black and bright blue combination.

"Yup! I got it for my birthday," he said sheepishly.

When I settled down in the passenger seat the engine groaned and we set off then I told him the directions to my house.

"Are you into sports or something?"

"Nah! I just wanted to flaunt this beauty in front of my ex when she cheated on me. She liked my car so much that she begged me to forgive her and be with her again." He laughed but I don't see the point so I just admired the car.

"Can't blame her. Your car is exquisite." I wanted to brush my hands on it some more but resisted.

"Huh? And what about me?" I looked over at him and our eyes met. I held it for some time. When it became awkward I broke it.

"Nah! Not more than your car though." We chuckled.

I didn't live far from the bar so it was just a ten minutes ride. He parked in front of my place. I sometimes liked to walk home listening to dads old recordings or any music.

When I exit he did as well and eyed my house, which was in bad shape. The front yard needed to mow. Garbage needed to dump. I sighed.

"Are your parents not home?" I thought about lying to him but did not.

"Nope! I live by myself." I said while searching in my bag for keys. I said myself because alone sounded like an invitation.

He walked me to my porch and we stood there for like a few minutes staring at each other. It was awkward and I don't know why there was this change of energy between us and then he suddenly deep down and kissed me. He moved so fast and his touch was feather light I almost did not catch his movement but before I could respond to his action he step back. He cursed under his breath and pulled at his hair. Meanwhile, I was astounded. After a minute or two, he cleared his throat and then he blurted.

"Sorry! It was not meant to happen like this."

"I... Well, I...," I signed, "It's ok."

"Let's start new, Hello, I'm Raon Lee, I have been hypnotized by you for the past few months, and now that you noticed me a little I want to ask you, will you go on a date with me?"

I did not know what to make of this. I was not ready enough to date but that did not mean I can't go out with someone who had asked me so nicely. I don't want to break his heart. He was a decent guy or I guessed so why not.

"Hypnotize you say? Hmm, then repeat after me 'I will pick you up Sharp at 7 o'clock on Saturday'"

He gave a shit-eating grin and repeated after me then kissed my hand in gentlemen's style and waved goodnight.

I smiled at myself.

Raon Lee, you better not be late.

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