4. Birthday Suit

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I sat snuggled next to rob under a blanket and Kim walked in sitting on the empty couch saying. "Ok guys. I really want to talk to you. I'm just gonna do a sexy celebrity pictorial."

Khloe chuckled saying "That's what they all say". Flinching as I flicked her arm. "They all say it's gonna be really classy". Kim cut her off saying "No it is really classy. It's the December cover. Like that's a huge deal."

We were all silent as she continues "And you know this decision is really hard for me. Like I don't want to upset Bruce". I sighed resting my head in the palm of my hand asking "Have you told Bruce".

She just smiled innocently laughing softly "Not exactly." Khloe started biting her finger saying "So we don't care what Bruce thinks." Mom cut in saying "We do care we just know what Bruce thinks".

"He was in the cover of play girl. Ok so he can't really talk to me." Kim chuckled messing with the couch. Kourtney chuckled asking "Mom. What do you think she should do?"

There was a bit of a pause but mom responded "I think she should do it. I think it's really great." Kourtney smirked saying "of course you want her to do it with your ten% manager commission".

We all kinda stopped talking as Bruce walked in eating a chip. Me saying "Hey Brucy". "Hey guys". He said as he sat next to kim. Kourtney was the first to talk asking "So when would you be doing this deed".

"The what deed?" Bruce asked as Kim gave Kourtney a death glare. We all were silent but Kourtney said "Kim's thinking of doing playboy." Kim slowly looked over to Bruce.

"Really?" Bruce said in a higher tone before mom started explaining. "It will be a gorgeous pictorial. She doesn't have to show anything she doesn't want to show". He looked towards me.

I am usually the voice of reason. But you know it's not my choice so I don't know why Bruce is looking at me.

"She doesn't have to do anything crazy it's at the end of the day her choice." I said calmly and Kim and mom nodded along causing Bruce to sigh. "So I guess no matter what I say. You're gonna do it anyway huh?"

But Kourtney was quick to speak "no I think values your opinion." "Ok here's my opinion on it. Um, it is on the edge. You're kind of taking a big risk here." Kourtney smiled saying "Go for it if you're really gonna go."

Causing me to smile softly. "Do it with class but undress that ass." We all chuckled but Bruce when mom said "That'll be your slogan." "I'm doin it with class cause I got a big ass". "That's great". I smiled at Bruce and he gave me a fake one back.


I sat quietly as everyone that had attended the lunch meeting started to leave. I was sending one last message to one of the interns when all the sudden I felt something burning hot spill onto me.

I stood up abruptly and saw a very tall guy with black hair. "I am so sorry." A thick accent showed itself. "It's alright thank god for leather right". I said watching the black liquid drip off the skirt.

It was almost dry so I stood up and reached for my bag. I looked up at the guy and he looked at me. "Jacob." He held out his and which I slowly and gently shook.

I slightly blushed feeling how small my hand was compared to his. But I was quickly brought back into reality shaking my head and I said "Katherine. My name is Katherine." He nodded chuckling slightly.

Then all the sudden my phone started to ring and I saw it was mom. "I'm so sorry but I have to go. It was nice meeting you Jacob." I waved to his friends who had been standing behind him.

"Hey mom what's up?" I said walking out of the restaurant. I sighed hearing some clicks of cameras but thanked God it wasn't a whole swarm of them.

I began to unlock my car when mom said "Listen Ashley Page called and she wants to know if you're free for a photo shoot this weekend." I hopped in and said "hang on one sec I'm gonna connect you to the car".

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