6. You Are So Pregnant Dude

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I only no a video cal with James, Karter and a person from Allen&Co talking about the collab with the resources when Karter says "I love the resources we have listed but I thing we could find a way to replace number 3."

I nodded along "I agree I think we could replace it with something much more permanent and resourceful." We had agreed to be in touch with certain ideas and got of the call but before I could click off I heard "Goodbye Katherine."

I look and the only person left is Karter but they quickly left after that making me sigh and whisper. "Just your imagination Katherine get yourself together. Your not even interested."

I shut my computer before walking into my kitchen and making myself some coffee. When I got a call from Kourtney "we're kind of freakin out here kat". "Calm down what she up?"

I ask slightly worried when Kourt says "I just took a pregnancy test and Khloe and I are waiting for the results." "Oh my god kourt. Say bible." "Bible we're not kidding Kat." I sighed shaking my head.

"We'll keep me on the line and tell me what it says ok?" They both agree and I just sit here silently as I wait for either of them to say something. "What the fuck does this mean?"

"One and a half". "Dude you're pregnant your so pregnant." I hear them arguing and I finally yelled. "Kourtney listen to the one rational sister in this relationship."

I heard her chuckle and come closer to the phone. "Here's what you're gonna do. First you are going to tell Scott what is going on then you are going to the doctor and getting their test because that is the only way to know for sure."

I heard her agreeing along with Khloe and I said "Just know that I love you and support you no matter what I just want you to be safe and happy." "I love you. I got to go call Scott. Thank you Kath."

"Of course Kourt ok I love you be safe and don't be stupid like the rest of our family. Right Kourt. To the 2 non stupid sisters don't push that down to 1." "Will do ma'am." I heard her chuckle before she hung up.


I was driving back to the loft after getting my coffee when I got a call from Kourtney. "Hey babe". I said placing the phone back into the empty cup holder. "Hey I'm here with Scott and I am not pregnant".

I let out a thankful sigh before saying "Im glad that you're ok Kourt. Now Scott you get my sister pregnant after this without plan. I might kill you". I heard Kourt laugh while Scott chuckled nervously.

I finally pulled up to my apartment building and said "Alright I have to go. I'm glad you're ok Kourt. Bye love you". "Love you". She said before I hung up. I quickly walked into the building waving to the doorman.


When we were all gathered around in moms living room Khloe said "Guys we should all go to Vegas and have a huge party." It was funny cause Khloe, Kourt, and I were the only ones who knew what we were celebrating.



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