7. Helping Hand

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I was sitting between Kim and Khloe reading a book as they were playing cards with Rob when Khloe asked "So who are you dating". "I'm not dating anyone". Rob said looking through his cards when Scot asked "What are you trying to go out with him?"

I chuckled throwing an m&m at him as Khloe said "No. He's always at school I never get to talk to him." Rob started to stammer out saying "I have been in a little a drought". I smile looking up at him curious. But of course it had to turn for the worst.

Scott started talking about taking Rob to a strip club. When Khloe asked Kim "have you ever been to a strip club?" She just responded with "They're sick". "You don't bone the strippers. You get know the stripper." I just gagged hearing that.

But of course Kim made it worse saying "Exactly. You get to know them inside and out." Everyone gagged along with me. "I'm open to anything. Gin!" Rob said putting down his card. "There's no way".

Khloe said angry that Fob had one again. Scott cheered for him as Rob just tried to show her his cards to prove it to her.


I pulled up to moms place and saw Kourt, Khloe, Scott, and Rob in the kitchen

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I pulled up to moms place and saw Kourt, Khloe, Scott, and Rob in the kitchen. "Look at you. Fancy fancy". Khlo said looking at my outfit. "I just finished with a whole bunch of meetings with a bunch of old men.

I said throwing my purse on the couch right by the counter. "I love that sweater Rob". I said playing with the collar. "I got a date. She's a playmate". I giggled as Scott cheered Rob on and rolled my eyes.

Kourt then said "It looks like your going on the golf course. Change your shirt your jeans and shirt are perf." Rob went into the other room to change but Kourtney started talking about how she was gonna wax his chest.

"You can only do a little part. If it hurts to much I won't do it." Khloe then pulled him over to show him what it feels like. "I get my vagina waxed it does not hurt. Come here". She then slapped him right in the throat. "Khloe!" I scolded her.

"Not right in the throat." Kim yelled at her. "I need you up in the counter please". Kourt said getting all her stuff ready and Rob nodded saying "Oh yeah you wax your own. Right Kourt."

Khloe started to hold him down when he started to get more and more nervous. Everyone started yelling and I finally decided to leave and Rob yelled after me making me chuckle "Traitor!"


I was waiting in line a my usual coffee shop when I heard that infamous thick accent "Fancy seeing you here

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I was waiting in line a my usual coffee shop when I heard that infamous thick accent "Fancy seeing you here." I turned and saw Jacob. "Oh my god. Hi". I said and hugged him as he leaned down closer.

I moved up in the line as he said "I'm good. Did you see how all the pictures came out?" I nodded saying "yeah everything looked amazing." "Ashley said she'll have to do more stuff with the both of us together soon".

I smiled nodding till I got up to the front. I ordered a medium plain black coffee and looked to Jacob who ordered his. I quickly payed much to his protest and we waited at a tall table in the back near the windows.

All the sudden you could hear loud clicks making me look out the window and saw photographers across the street. I turned to Jacob and said "I'm so sorry". I just shook his head saying it was fine and our name was called.

We got our coffee and walked out to the cars. We waved goodbye after he made sure I got in my car because of the group of paparazzi. I pulled out carful to not hit anyone and got to the loft and just started working. Had a couple calls and then waited for something to be approved.

All the sudden I got a media update on my phone. I look and it was an article with a picture of Jacob and I hugging in the coffee shop. I scoffed deleting the tab and turning back to my computer.


After I was done with work I head over to moms and all the sudden I hear mom screaming. I run in and see her and Rob watching a bird on the window seal. I sigh and kick my shoes off before grabbing a stool and placing it on the counter.

I turn to Rob and say "Hold this please". He quickly takes a hold of it and says "Well at least we know you've got a nice ass Kat". I quickly hopped up to the window seal and he let go of the stool tossing me a towel.

I gently grabbed it and said "Rob get up here real quick." He hopped up in the counter and I slowly let him grab the bird. I then hopped all the way down grabbing it back from him. I walked outside when mom said "Go all the way out there so it doesn't fly back in".

As soon as we were off the deck it flew away. I turned to Rob and he gave me a confused look right before I smacked the back of his head. "What was that for." "The comment about my ass". I said turning to walk back into the house.

When I started putting my shoes back on he came in and said "At least it was a good one. I could have been mean." And he tased me so I turned around and smacked his chest quickly walking away.


When everyone had come over to moms house the girls were reeling me about this homeless guy that they had spent the day with. I just smiled and listened because they were all super happy that they had done it.

"Now miss Kitty Kat. What's this I hear about you and this Jacob fella?" I just chuckled and shook my head. "That's the guy that I did the shoot with and we ran into each other at my coffee shop".

They all nodded but Khloe started raising her eyebrows at me and I quickly said "No no. We're just friends who ran into each other. He helped me get into my car when the paparazzi were getting crazy. Nothing more."

I said this genuinely because I really had no attraction towards Jacob. Not that he wasn't a good looking guy. I just have never thought about him that way.

Word Count (1113)

Short Chapter Sorry.

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